Well, Bishop Raymond Lahey is behind bars …..where he belongs!
This morning, after a bit of last minute legal hustle and wrangling Lahey entered a guilty plea to one count of possession/importing child porn.
So filled with remorse was our bishop that he asked to be incarcerated right then and there!
Yes, a bit of sarcasm there. But my dear goodness above. What kind of nonsense is this?!
An interesting morning to put it mildly. Distrubing on so many fronts. The level of depravity is mind boggling. Sex toys in his baggage! Porn reflecting mastery and slavery, and of torture, and pictures of men urinating in the mouth of young boys, and pictures of masturbation and fellatio – the bulk of it depicting adult males performing these acts with/on young boys. And ‘stories’ – a 300+ page pornographic ‘story.’
Twink is the search term these perverted human beings use to find child porn. BISHOP Raymond Lahey ‘twinked’ 1182 times.
588 photos which met the criteria of child porn.
And Lahey told officials when he was picked up in 2009 that he is attracted to young males age 21 to 30?!
I will blog later. There are several things I really do want to pass along. Right now it’s time to get supper together. I have posted a number of articles which are online now and will get at others later. For now, here is what I have on the site:
04 May 2011: Roman Catholic Bishop Raymond Lahey pleads guilty to child-porn charge
04 May 2011: Former bishop pleads guilty to child porn charge
04 May 2011: Roman Catholic Bishop Raymond Lahey pleads guilty to child-porn charge
04 May 2011: Catholic bishop enters custody at Ottawa courthouse after pleading guilty to importing child pornography
04 May 2011: Statement from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops after Bishop Lahey’s “guilty” plea
04 May 2011: Former Catholic bishop Raymond Lahey pleads guilty to child pornography charges
Enough for now