Father William Allen has been convicted and sentenced to a 9 month conditional sentence. Allen apparently pled ‘not guilty’ but did not contest the evidence against him. More to come on this as reports come out. But, there you go: nine months conditional sentence. Another judicial Tut! Tut! Bad boy!
I feel for the victims. That can not be easy to take. Sure, it’s all over. But, nine months conditional?!!
A reminder to check New to the Site to keep tabs on all items which are new to the site. I regularly list newly posted media articles as well as names and/or links to further information added to the Accused list. When I am busy with other things on the site or home front I often don’t find the time to make comment about each posting. That has been the case for the past number of days and will probably continue as such until after Easter. The New to the Site tab can be manually accessed on the horizontal menu at the top of the page – click on the “NEW” tab.
There are many postings which warrant comment but time is scarce. I will draw attention to the following two:
(1) A page has been added with with further information on Father Ernie Garcia CSsR
Here’s another convicted Canadian clerical molester who is actively serving as a priest. …in the Philipines.
A Redemptorist priest, Father Garcia was convicted in 1995. He is now sashaying around the Archdiocese of Lipa in the Philipines.
Do the Filipino Catholics know that Garcia is a convicted child molester? Did anyone bother to tell them?
Who gave Garcia his faculties to say Mass and hear confessions in the Archdiocese of Lipa? I’m guessing it must have been the Archbishop of Lipa?
(2) 15 February 2011: BMB and Fallona, Quinlan et al (Ontario Superior Court of Justice between B.M.B and Fallona, Quinlan, et al. B.M.b. is Brenda Brunelle) (NOTE: I am going to redact a name on this. I will restore th elink once that is done)
This is regarding Brenda Brunelle’s lawsuit against Basilian priest Father Michael Fallona. A disturbing read and ruling. Please take the time to read, there is a a significant amount of gut-churning information tucked in there about the goings on in the London Diocese.
This decision on this motion has been appealed – the motion is set for 15 June 2011.
Enough for now