A court date for Father Lucien Lussier in Cornwall Ontario today. This will be remand court regarding a charge of 18 October 2009 which is to be brought back before the Ontario Court at the request of the Crown. I’m not quite sure what that is all about. Hopefully there will be someone from the local media covering it. If anyone can give us an update or explanation please post a comment or send me an email to me at cornwall@theinquiry.ca
I should have the tally on the charges against Father Eric Dejaeger omi. I spent time on the phone yesterday trying to sort it out.
Here’s how it works out….
When Dejaeger returned to Nunavut in January there were six charges.
As I understand it, there are now a total of 20 charges. There is one charge of the 20 related to his failure to appear in 1995; that charge was laid after he returned. The remaining 13 charges are sex abuse charges which have been laid since Dejaeger’s return.
Of those 13, two were laid 24 January 2011, and one was laid 09 February 2011. That means a further ten charges have been laid since 09 February 2011.
The number of new complainants/”alleged” victims is still in question, but there are definitely new complianants, and it still looks to me as though there are five. That would mean a current total of 11 complainants.
I will have this sorted out definitively later today. But, there definitely are a number of new charges. And there definitely are a number of new complainants.
I added a page today for Maurice Bonneville. This is the man who, as a priest, passed on his victim to a priest friend and fellow predator Father Joseph Azaire Edmond Gauthier with the words: “He’s better in bed than he is in his books.”
It looks as though Bonneville must have left the priesthood in the late 60s or early 70s. I have no idea what happened to him. Was he reported in the late 60s? Did he leave of his own volition? Was he ‘kicked out’/defrocked/laicized?
Does anyone know?
It’s been a long, busy and fulfilling day. And now it’s time to call it a day :).
Enough for now,