It sounds as though more complaints have come forward with allegations against Father Eric Dejaeger omi.
I contacted the Iqaluit courthouse a little while ago. In working through the various charges and complaints it sounds as though there are five new complainants, three from 08 March 2011 and two from 18 March 2011.
And, it sounds as though Dejaeger is now facing about 17 charges in total. I will check these numbers later for accuracy.
At this time, Dejaeger has already been in and out of court for today`s court appearance. He was scheduled for 09:30 am. His next court date is set for 05 April 2011 at 09:30 am for “Crown election.“
Later today I will see if I can get in touch with someone to get an accurate count on the number of complainants and charges.
And, I really must say, good for those who have mustered up the courage to go to police! Good for you! My thoughts and prayers, and I know the thoughts and prayers of many people around the world are with you all. Stay strong.
Enough for now,
I have been unable to confirm any new complainants and/or charges. It is now after work hours so barring something in the media I probably will not be able to do so until tomorrow.
are there any charges or complaints on Father David Ostler, who was transferred from the Cornwall Ontaria area to Phoenix AZ area?
Father David Ostler was never charged Mark. His name is not on the list of Accused.
Put his name in the search box at the top of the page – I think that will give most of the information which is posted regarding Father David Ostler.