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Two trials tomorrow, one civil, the other criminal:

(1) Father Charles Sylvestre/the London Diocese.  Civil trial:  KMMv Sylvestre et al.  1o am. London courthouse. London Ontario.

I encourage those are able to do so to attend to lend support to KMM.

(2) Father Lucien Lussier.  Criminal trial.  10 am.  Cornwall Ontario courthouse.

The courtroom is booked for two days. 

Lussier was first charged in 2007 – this has taken a long long time to get to trial. 

The courtroom is booked for two days .

I encourage those in the Cornwall area who can do so to attend to support the complainants.  They have waited a long time for this day to come.

Keep all the victims in your prayers. 

Enough for now,


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