Is this for real?

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Here is the little piece of info I’ve added to the Tim Flaherty page.  A good part of the text is in French.  I asked Jean-Guy is he would translate and he very kindly obliged.  Thank you Jean-Guy 🙂

This is from the University of Saint Paul newsletter, November 1993.  The English translation follows the French text.

Before reading, remember that in January 1992 Father Timothy Flaherty was sentenced to two years in jail for his sex abuse of young boys over a twenty year period.

We know that he received a Bursary for the 1992-1993 academic year.

We know that around 31 August 1993:  he published “Nursing Ethics: The Transformation of an Ethical Field”  Research Services, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario

And here he is.  October 1993.  A convicted child molester.  One of four chosen (?) to research the ethics of prolonged care for children with chronic illness!

Yes.  Ethics.

And, yes,  Children.

How did that come to pass?  Who thought it would be a great idea for a convicted child molester to dabble in ethics?

Who thought it would be a even greater idea for a convicted child molester to dabble in ethics as it relates in some fashion to children?

By all accounts the man should still have been behind bars  But no.  There he was at USP, taken under wing by whomever, and actually researching  the ethics surrounding children who suffer from chronic disease.

Am I going mad?

Is this for real?

Who thought that was great idea?  Who all at St. Paul’s thought that was a great idea?

Anyway, here is the little bit of text announcing the inauguration of the new Techno-Ethics Centre at St. Paul’s and the new research project undertaken by the Centre.

19 October 1993:

Information Saint Paul University Vol. 23. No. 2 (April 1993)

New Premises for Centre for Techno-Ethics

The Centre for Techno-Ethics inaugurated new premises at a wine and cheese reception held October 19, 1993, attended by members of the Board of Directors. The Centre is situated in Room 1227 of the University Research Services.

Le directeur du Centre, le professeur Jean-Marc Larouche, a profité de l’occasion pour parler des diverses activités de recherche dans lesquelles le Centre est impliqué. En plus du projet technologic et maladie chronique en marche depuis juin 1990, une deuxième recherche est en tours en vue d’étudier le processes de déliberation éthique dans le champ de la maladie chronique. Ce projet a deux objectifs : cerner d’abord la manière dont se vivent les conflits de valeurs at les decisions d’ordre ethique dans les unités de soins prolonges d’hôpitaux à vocation pédiatrique; ensuite elaborer, proposer et évaluer un guide de délibération qui servira à orienter les décisions des équipes de soins dans le secteur de la maladie chronique pédiatrique. Quatre agents de recherche sont affectés à ce projet: Jean-Eudes Charbonneau, Tim Flaherty, Peter Monette et Jean-Louis Munn. Nancy Lepage est sécretaire.


Unofficial English translation of French text

Director and professor Jean-Marc Larouche seized the occasion to speak about the various research activities the Center is involved in. Beyond the technologic and chronic disease project begun in June 1990, a second research was embarked upon  in order to assess the  ethical deliberation processes in the field of  chronic disease. This project has two objectives:first to identify how the ¨value conflicts¨ and the ethical decisions in prolonged care units in pediatric  hospitals are managed ; then to elaborate, propose and evaluate a discussion framework to assist and guide the decisions of the care units in the chronic pediatric illness sector. Four research agents have been assigned to this project: Jean-Eudes Charbonneau, Tim Flaherty and Jean-Louis Munn. Nancy Lepage is the secretary.

Also, as I noted earlier today, Tim Flaherty is working with Treasury Board:

2011:  Tim Flaherty listed on Governmment of Canada website as Senior Director, Policy and Professional Practices, Treasury Board. in Ottawa, Ontario


For all those with an interest in Cornwall,  this from Contact, the USP Alumni Newsletter, dated April 1993

Information Saint Paul University Vol. 23. No. 2 (November 1993)

A new council was elected during the University Seminary’s Conventum.

Last September, Msgr Rejean Lebrun (Theology 60) of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, was elected president of the University Seminary Alumni Association at its quinquennial convention. Approximately 60 graduates attended the event held September 22-24, 1992. Rev. Joseph T. Muldoon (Theology 83), Ottawa Archdiocese, will act as vice-president; Francis G. Morrisey O.M.I., as secretary general; Eugene King 0 M I , rector of the Seminary, as counselor; and Fr Roger Quesnel, as executive secretary. The new council received a five-year mandate. At this time, those who have celebrated 25 years of ordination were honoured: Jean-Marie Germain, from Alexandria, Louisiana (50th anniversary); Jerome Ouellet, from Mont-Laurier, and Gerard Poirier, from Alexandria-Cornwall (45th ); Antoine Tremblay, from Chicoutimi QC (40th ); Rejean Lebrun, from Alexandria-Cornwall (30th ); Laurier Albert, from Trois-Rivieres

QC (25th ). Two special workshops were offered simultaneously: one in French facilitated by Mrs Jeannine Guindon, Training Centre, Montreal, on the topic “Le bienêtre des prêtres”; and the other in English facilitated by J. Allan Loftus S.J., Southdown Centre, Toronto, on “Pastoral Care of Priests.”

Father Rejean Lebrun   testified at the Cornwall Public Inquiry.  He testified that he heard “rumours” of clerical sexual abuse and did nothing because he “was not prepared for that type of situation.”    It was beyond him..

For those who do not know and lest the rest of us forget,  Father Rejean Lebrun was, along with Bishop Eugene Larocque, one of six priests who in September 2000  launched a lawsuit against James Bateman,  Paul Likoudis, the Wanderer, Dick Nadeau and others. (scroll down for James Bateman’s explanation of the suit as a defendant in the action)

I was fascinated to see in black and white that Father Rejean knew Father Frank Morrissey, at least as of September 1992, when they worked together on the executive of the Alumni Association.

Note too that back in 1992 Father Loftus himself was giving a workshop to the alumni.  Ditto Mrs. Jeannine Guindon. Given the speakers I think it is fair to guess that the topics would have related to the issue of clerical sexual abuse? The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops had released its sex abuse guidelines From Pain to Hope in June 1992.  Loftus, Gagnon and Morrissey were heavily involved in hammering out those guidelines, which, by the way, and amongst other things, recommended that fees incurred by priests charged with sex abuse be picked up by the dioceses, and proposed  ways to reintegrate convicted clerical molesters into parishes.


One more little thing I came across.

Marilyn Sweet, the spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Halifax who recently refused to answer a number of my questions regarding convicted child molester’s Father Michael J. Walsh’s 12 year stay in the Halifax  archdiocese, is the same Marilyn Sweet who was involved with several of the Summer Institute in Pastoral Liturgy sessions at Ottawa’ s Saint Paul University.

A regular on the Summer Institute course was convicted child molester Father Barry Glendinning.

I don’t know whether Ms. Sweet did or did not know of Glendinnings past, but there she was in Ottawa in the Summer of 1994. Marilyn J Sweet, Coordinator of Liturgical Programs for the Archdiocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia,   teaching “Liturgy and Youth,” and there was Father  Barry Glendinning – convicted child molester – teaching “Introduction to Liturgy.”

The course description for Sweet’s  “Liturgy and Youth” is as follows:

This course will consider the factors which can affect the participation of young people in the worship life of the  Church, including the stages of faith, the reality of adolescence, attitudes to young people, the identity of the particular assembly, the elements of liturgical celebration, and methods which encourage and sustain participation.


Father William Hodgson Marshall has yet another Toronto courtdate:  22 March 2011.  9 am.  Courtroom #111.

Enough for now



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