A busy weekend – off to a grandson’s hockey game yesterday, and babysitting our very busy and equally delightful 3-year-old grand-daughter this afternoon and evening. A nice weekend and pleasant respite.
Tomorrow I will pick up where I left on on Friday. Right now I’m going to put my feet up 🙂
Someone posed the idea to me of a blog thread which would allow people to exchange thoughts which are not related to a particular priest or article. I think it sounds like a good idea, but how to make it happen? I have an idea which I will think over this evening and take a look at implementing tomorrow. It would give people a venue without having to wade through articles looking for an old thread, and without waiting for a relevant article to have their say. It is worth a try. It woud allow for more general discussion for those who are intersted. If it causes problems or confusion I can always close down the comments.
Enoug for now,