Productive day

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Yesterday I told you I was expecting a call back from the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Halifax re Father Michael J Walsh.  Today I received an email from Marilyn Sweet asking that I forward my inquiry to her by email.  I have now done so and await her response.  I had a lot of questions.

I was busy today with other site-related activities.  Sometimes things pop up out of the blue which require time – today was one of those days.  It was a productive day, but I  accomplished nothing as far as getting pages together for Fathers William Boone and Ron Kelly.  I will dig back into that tomorrow.

I have heard nothing about Father Hod Marshall’s Sudbury court date today.  It may even have been cancelled due to bad weather?  A lot of Southern Ontario was hit with a massive storm with heavy snow fall today.  I don’t think Sudbury was in the path of the storm, but if it was there may well have been cancellations.

I have to be up and on the go early early in the morning so will leave it at that 🙂

Enough for now,


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