Basilian priest Kenneth O’Keefe csb had a court date this morning at 8:30 am the Ottawa courthouse. It is highly unlikely that O’Keefe would have appeared. There will be another date set. I will check on the date of his next court appearance on Friday.
I see from today’s media coverage that the judge in the Father Charles Picotsex abuse trial has adjourned the trial to consider a Crown motion that John Derek Lapointe be allowed to change his testimony regarding the year
26 January 2011: Ex-priest’s indecent assault trial adjourned
Lapointe had alleged he was molested by Picot in 1978 when he, Lapointe, was in Grade 9. Lapointe in fact was in Grade 9 in 1977. I gather this means that he started Grade 9 in 1977 and finished in 1978? vs started in 1978 and finished in 1979? I don’t know for sure, but it sounds as though that is the issue.
Lapointe has apparently also testified that he was invited to Picot’s apartment to hear the new album Saturday Night Fever. The album, soundtrack of the movie, was released in 1977. I just checked and, from what I can see it was released in July of ’77.
John Derek was mistaken in the year he was in Grade 9 or started Grade 9. It is unfortunate that this was not double checked before trial – it could have been easily checked and easily corrected.
I suppose the good news here is that the judge is considering the Crown’s motion. (Yesterday the word was he had refused.)
Let’s hope and pray that the judge allows the change in date to correspond with the rest of John-Derek’s testimony.
Enough for now,