I have been trying for several days to no avail get an update on Father Philip Jacobs court proceedings in Victoria, BC. I have left messages again today. If anyone living in Victoria is close enough to deke into the courthouse to find out when Jacob’s next court date is and for what it would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Also, no word on what’s happening in Ottawa with Father James Jordan omi. I checked today and there is no update in his file, only that he was scheduled for a preliminary hearing starting yesterday.
Yes, preliminary hearing, NOT trial. There is a possibility that the hearing extended into today hence the absence of an update, or it could simply be that the file has not been sent back up to the offices yet. Anyway, no word on yesterday’s hearings in the media either today or yesterday. I will check back with the court in a couple of days to find out what the status is and when the next court date is.
Also, note that I added to a picture to Jordan’s page last evening
I had been told months ago that Father Lucien Lussier’s next court date was tomorrow (12 January 2010). Not so. I just checked. Here are Lusier’s scheduled court dates:
14 January 2011: 9 am, Cornwall, Ontario courthouse for judicial pre-trial
18 January 2011: 10 am. Half day booked for motions (Cornwall courthouse)
14 &15 March 2011: 10 am. Two days booked for trial (Cornwall courthouse)
The courtroom numbers have not yet been assigned but that’s easy enough to sort out on arrival at the courthouse.
I urge those in the Cornwall area who can do so to attend. Please keep the plaintiffs in your prayers.
(I will update the calendar shortly)
Hod Marshall has a court date in Windsor, Ontario tomorrow morning (12 January 2010): 9:30 am in courtroom #6. The day is scheduled to set a date for a pre-trial or preliminary hearing.
Again I urge those in the Windsor area who can do so to attend. And, as always, keep the plaintiffs in your prayers.
Please give us an update as soon as there is news, be it via a media link or first-hand info. It truly would be wonderful to find out what exactly is happening as far as the transfer of charges from both Toronto and Windsor.
Bit by bit I am getting material on the site re-organized. A few glitches here and there when things get finicky, but, it’s getting there. I think I am nearly at the point of adding pages for those on the Accused list who do not yet have their own page 🙂 That is another project which has been on my To Do list for quite some time – will be good to get it done. The list is there for all to check but I know people have become accustomed to checking the menu on the sidebar and now the drop-down menu – and at this point those menus contain only the names of those for whom I have opened a page. So, I will get at that, and then I think I will as top of things on the site as I will ever be and can get back to other important things I have reluctantly had to put on hold.
Enough for now,