Wild weather

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Convicted child molester and ex priest Don Grecco is scheduled to appear in court in Belleville tomorrow (15 December 2010) on the breach of residency requirement charge.  The weather has been wild so I do hope that doesn’t negate transporting Grecco from his new home behind bars to the Belleville court house.  It just may!

As always, please give us word on the outcome  here on what has become the Grecco thread

Speaking of the weather I was just watching the news – the snow down in the London-Sarnia  area is unbeleivable!  Thankfully all 300 or so motorists stranded in that stretch of the 402 were rescued by helicopter, snowmobile and four-wheel drive vehicles.  Despite the treachrous conditions there was no loss of life, and all those rescued are being fed and kept as comfortable as is possible in warming centres.; some have been taken in by hospitable and welcoming  locals.  A cirsis always seems to bring out the best in the people, and it sounds as thought this one is no exception.

And then there’s Nova Scotia!  The winds have been literally tearing homes apart.  And massive flooding in New Brunswick. And severe wind warnings out for Newfoundland.

Wherever you may be and whatever severe weather conditions you are enduring I pray that you and those near and dear to you are warm and safe 🙂

Enough for now


P.S.  Father Phillip Jacobs‘ pre-trial conference is tomorrow (15 December) 9 am, Victoria courthouse, Victoria, British Columbia

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