Any information?

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I have added information on Father Czeslaw Szymanskiosp to the Accused page. If anyone has any information on Father Szymanski’s few months in Canada (May to September 1987) could you please contact me?  I think he would probably have been working in  Polish parish.  I believe too that there must have been a call for prayers and some sort of notice in at least a local paper after his body was found in the States.  Does anyone remember anything? 

I added a picture today:  

Father Szmanski with graduating class from St. Stanislaus, the school connected to Hoy Trinity Parish in Lowell, MA 

The picture is a little fuzzy but I think it might be enough to jog memories.

Enough for now,


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6 Responses to Any information?

  1. E. Murphy says:

    On top of all the other reasons why priests who are child molesters and living intrinsically disordered lives generally should be removed from the priesthood is the question of their dealings with the laity in spiritual matters. What sort of spiritual direction would these persons be dispensing? There seems to be a correlation between decadence and dissidence, which is to be expected.
    They must justify their actions by twisting the Church’s teachings to coform with their view of the world. Assignng them to tribunals is certainly not advisable for obvious reasons nor should they be visited on hospital patients.

  2. Ceilidhe says:

    Absolutely disgusting. This makes me so sad. I’m beginning to think that they are all pedophiles protecting each other! Why else would they cover for each other and transfer them to other parishes and dioceses hoping no one will know what they have done? It’s the same with accusations made by children and their parents. If the diocese is lucky enough the parents don’t go to the police, the rumours circulate, a priest is transferred or said to have some ‘condition’ where he can’t say Mass or be out in public very much. Then he is seen around town, out in public, in the company of another priest, who, may or may not know that he is supervising an accused child sexual predator.
    One such situation in the Pembroke Diocese has been talked about for quite a few years now. A priest was suddenly taken from a parish about a decade ago while rumours circulated about the reason. The priest in charge of investigating sexual predators in the diocese was contacted through email by a person who, because of the position they hold, cannot identify themselves. This priest will not discuss it through email and insists on meeting in person with anyone who has questions about this priest. Another example of one priest protecting another. Although it is possible that this priest has not been told why the priest in question doesn’t have his own parish anymore, I highly doubt that. The whole thing is disgusting and slimy just like the people involved. And it’s sickening that they are priests!
    One day they will all answer to God who will want to know why they protected the church’s wealth and their child molesters rather than God’s children. I hope this priest is aware of that!

  3. Ceilidhe says:

    Ooops. I meant to post the above comment to the Fr. McNeil article. I just did, could you please remove this one Sylvie? Thanks!

  4. Sylvia says:

    You’re right Michel B, it looks like Peterborough. What I did not mention is that the Diocese of Peterborough was allegedly contacted and denied that he had been there. I am uncertain if the denial was that he had ever been incardinated in the Peterborough Diocese or that he had ever served there period. I want to check on that this coming week.

    The Franciscans of Montreal apparently assumed control of the Polish mission in 1985, two years before Father Czeslaw Szymanski arrived whereever:

    Was he perhaps considering becoming a Francisan? There was a Francisan at his funeral, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but, then again, who knows?

    I will make some phone calls this week to see if I can get anywhere on this. Whereever he was there surely must have been a notice in the local paper – it’s not every day a 45-year-old priest is killed in a car accident in the States while moving his belongings to Ontario.

    Monsignor Martin Wain would know. But Msgr. Wain no longer lists his phone number and address in the Canadain Catholic Church Directory.

    And there again, I could be mistaken, but the very fact that Wain concelebrated at the funeral and was specifically identified as the Chancellor of the Diocese of Peterborough says to me he was there representing the Peterborough Diocese.

    Anyway, I will see if I can gain any ground in sorting this particular puzzle out this week 🙁

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