I was trying to get the information on Father Martin Houston and Grollier Hall posted tonight. In less than an hour I’ll have it done, but I’ve got to call it a day right now 🙂
While I think of it, I came across another name yesterday: Father Henri Posset omi.
Father Posset, an Oblate priest, served in the North. Ordained in 1950, he was born in Belgium. I don’t know if he was ordained here in Canada or in Belgium.
Possett committed suicide. He had been under investigation following allegations of sex abuse. I have been told he was about to be charged, and that this would have been around 1998. Any further information would be appreciated.
Finally, for those who didn’t check New to the Site, two articles of import today:
21 October 2010: Former priest Grecco waives bail hearing
21 October 2010: Retired priest faces more sex abuse charges
One more thing…
There seemed to be confusion as to how to contact me. I have added a Contact tab at the top of the page. I hope this does the trick 🙂
Enough for now,