Not enough hours in the day

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Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day 🙁  I have received some more info re Father Martin Houston,the Devil of Grollier Hall but am still trying to connect with two persons to get my details squared away and feel I am in a position to comment.   Hopefully tomorrow will be a break through.  Some will have noticed the comment I posted earlier today.  By the sound of things Houston just was not a pleasant man.  No surprise I suppose being that even then he was a convicted child molester, but it doesn’t sound as though he had the manipulative personality traits and charm of many clerical molesters. I am interested in learning more.  It goes without saying that I am beyond disbelief that this man was ordained.  More to come.


 An update on the Monsignor Robert Borne proceedings. A trial date is to be set 01 November 2010.  It is anticipated the trial will be set for the New Year.

22 September 2010:  Borne judicial pre-trial continues in October 


Things are hopefully happening on the Father Eric Dejaeger case. I am crossing my fingers. 


 A page has been added for Father Rene Hebert. It was brought to my attention that his name was missing from the list of the Accused. It has been added.  I have minimal information posted at this time.  Hopefully I will have opportunity to add more in the not too distant future.  If anyone can fill in any details please do so with either a comment at the foot of the Father Rene Hebert page or an email to me (

The article posted on the Hebert page references three other  clergy whose names need to be added: Fathers (1) Magnus J. Fedy (2) Victor Killoran and (3) Lawrence Paquette.  I will get that taken care of int he next few days.

The list keeps growing and growing.


I hear rumblings from the Diocese of Regina Saskatchewan.  Is there anyone with information on what’s going on?


Convicted child molester and ex priest Don Grecco is being forced to bide his time at the Quinte Detention Centre.

19 October 2010:  Grecco still in jail 

It must be a fascinating place to be these days.  Col Russell Williams is being housed in Quinte pending sentencing.  For those unfamiliar with the name, Google Russell Williams – utter sexual depravity and outright evil.  Pictures of Williams attired in women’s and/or little girls undies graced the pages of most mainstream Canadian media yesterday.

Perhaps Grecco is occupying a cell adjacent to Williams? 

Perhaps one or the other is occupying the same cell Perry spent time in?

I musty admit that such thoughts cross my mind. I get chills to think that Perry was put in such company.

Anyway, Grecco is stuck at Quinte until his next bail hearing: 1 pm on Thursday, 21 October 2010.  His sentencing hearing is 10 am 29 October 2010.  Why they don’t just leave him where he is until sentencing is beyond me. 

I’m thinking too that if Grecco does finally manage to get out I hope “they” take his passport.


Finally, on the child porn front, a reminder that those who indulge in kiddie porn are often molesters

 19 October 2010:  Police charge accused in Napanee child-porn case with sexual assault, sex with minor

Enough for now,



This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Don Grecco, Non clerical RC sexual predators, Perry Dunlop, Scandal and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Not enough hours in the day

  1. Bruce says:

    I really would like you to get in touch with me. I have a bit of information and I am not sure how to go about this.

  2. Sylvia says:

    Send me an email at this address Bruce

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