Pray for us

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A belated and quick weekend blog…

I was out travelling the Quebec countryside and enjoying the scenery with my husband yesterday.  A pleasant change 🙂

Today was catching up on emails.  I’m not quite done, but nearly there.  I also had reason to do a bit of digging about on Father Martin Houston. 

 I have a very limited amount of info on Father Houston – those who have scrolled gone down the Accused page might recall that he’s the one who was ordained AFTER he was convicted and sentenced to 10 years. 

I will be putting together a page for Houston with the information I have on hand and that which I have been able to dig up online.  I have questions however which need to be answered by someone who is familiar with his crimes . I have feelers out to get further information.  If anyone can give me any information please contact me at


Please everyone feel free to blog as you normally would.  There’s no four strikes you’re out rule.  I resorted to that for Larry and that only in a pinch to try to address a situation in a manner which would allow him to contribute while understanding the significance of the “Recent Comments,” the need to keep things relevant and the need to ensure he has said all he wants to say before hitting the submit button.  I hope to see you back blogging Larry.  The same goes for you Lina.  We can all learn from and with each other


Brother Andre was canonized today.  He is now St. Andre.

St. Andre, pray for us.

Also canonized today, and of particular interest to victims of clerical sexual abuse and those battling to have the church purged of abusers, was Mary MacKillop. 

MacKillop , founder of a religious order of nuns based in Australia, took the name Mary of the Cross as her religious name.  She is now known as St. Mary of the Cross.

As a young nun MacKillop reported a priest who was sexually abusing children.  She was excommunicated.  Five months later she was reinstated.

I only heard of Mary McKillop days ago.  The story stirred me.  I will regularly ask her interscession in prayers for victims and for resolution to the ongoing clerical sex abuse scandal in the Church.

Here is one of many articles online regarding St. Mary of the Cross

If ever there was a saint for sex abuse victims and for our times it is St. Mary of the Cross. If ever there was a saint who understood retribution from on high for exposing a paedophile priest it is St. Mary of the Cross. 

I do believe that St. Mary of the Cross will be a a particulalry ardent intercessor for victims and for those battling the sex abuse scandal and cover-up in the Church.

Saint Mary of the Cross, pray for us.

Enough for now,



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2 Responses to Pray for us

  1. Myomy says:

    Yes indeed it is good to have a new saint to pray for the battered church today. Let us not forget St Charles Lwanga and companions martyrs of Uganda celebrated on June 3 who were martyred for refusing to submit to King Mwunga a violent pedophile who forced himself on young boys and men who served as pages and attendants at court. Sr Mary of the Cross and St Charles Lwanga and companions pray for us!

  2. Michel B. says:

    I would also suggest that in our prayers we pray for the victims of abuse and that these honoured truthful and honest saints bring that enthusiasm of honesty to the battered church and it’s admistrative membership.

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