Minutiae of change

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A few bits and pieces… 

(1)  Father Fernand Crouteau

On 26 August 2010 convicted clerical molester Father Fernand Crouteau concelebrated Mass and distributed Holy Communion at the Cathedral in St. Paul Alberta. 

Where and when does the sacrilege end? 

(2)  Father Paul Egan

I am taking advantage of the quiet to add some information to Sylvia’s Site.  I have added a page for Father Paul Egan.  

As you can see, the 1995 charges against Father Egan were withdrawn “due to a change in circumstances involving pertinent evidence of witnesses.”   The RCMP officer would not elaborate in case the investigation was reopened. 

I wonder what in the name of goodness that was all about?  Father Egan is currently very much a pastor so I gather the investigation was not reopened?

(3)  Minutiae of change

01 September 2010:  German Church Sets Rules on Abuse 

It takes a lot of kicking and screaming and outright embarrassment to come up with one teeny weeny minutiae of ‘change.’   I fear that’s the way it will be until we are blessed with bishops who are outraged both by the very thought of a priest laying a wayward hand on a child or vulnerable adult and the prevailing notion that that it is fair game to allow children to be put or left at risk. 

(4) Father O’Keefe

01 September 2010:  Priest case back in court September  29 

It seems there was nothing to the scheduled court date of Basilian Father Kenneth O’Keefe in Ottawa yesterday.  An adjournment.  The next court date is set for 29 September 2010. 

Enough for now,



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