Recycled molester charged

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Allegations that a recyled American clerical molester was busily molesting from almost the moment he was given refuge in 1996 – and  a parish! – in the Diocese of Victoria, British Columbia by then Bishop Remi de Roo.

As is the way here in Canada,  Father Phillip Jacobs was slipped into a parish – not a boo to the unsuspecting souls that he was a known child molester.  Not a boo.  I would guess perhaps one or two parishioners or parish council members may have been told, but, if that was indeed done, the dirty secret was kept from all other parishioners and parents .

There is much to be said about this latest Canadian travesty and many questions to be asked.  For now, here are the articles: 

07 August 2010:  Ex Saanich priest hit with four sex charges 

07 August 2010: Priest faces sex charges involving three children 

07 August 2010: Priest charged with sex crimes, had been removed from Ohio ministry for alleged molestation 

06 August 2010:  Sex charges laid against a B.C. priest wanted on oustanding country-wide warrants 

I will bring Jacob’s page up-to-date later today.

Finally, a video news report which is too large to post on the site.  Here is a link:

Enough for now,



This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Circling the wagons, Clerical sexual predators, recycled, Scandal and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Recycled molester charged

  1. Sylvia says:

    I will post this later, for now here is an external link to an informative and disturbing read re Father Phil Jacobs. It’s dated May 2002:

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