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A bad day for the Don Grecco victims.  The sentencing of the ex-priest-child-molester has been delayed yet again:

16 July 2010:  Grecco scheduled to be in court

Does Grecco really have to be in court for the sentence to be pronounced?  Perhaps he does, but this is dragging out. It’s hard on the victims.

[P.S. See info here:]


I tried yesterday and today without success to get further info re what Father Hod Marshall’s28 July 2010 court appearance entails.  I gave up in frustration: one office doesn’t address that info, another phone number not answered and no answering machine, a number given which took me to traffic offences, and then direction back to the office which doesn’t address that info.  If there’s still nothing in the paper by Monday I shall try yet again.


Here are the documents related to the new norms:

July 2010 Explanatory statement re new “Norms concerning the most serious crimes” 

21 May 2010: Letter to Bishops re new “Norms” 

July 2010:  Substantive Norms 

As you will see, the norms themselves are rather “technical” and deal with issues other than clerical sexual abuse. No time for comment on them right now but I did want to draw attention to the fact that the document itself is posted (Substantive Norms) along with the Levada letter to all bishops and the explanatory statement. 

It seems there is a major fuss over the norms themselves

16 July 2010:  Women priests and sex abuse not equal crimes 

I have no problems with an outcry or criticism of the norms as they relate to clerical sexual abuse, but I do have problems with those who, in my humble opinion, are using the coat-tails of sex abuse victims to advance their own agenda. I see this as the politicization of clerical sexual abuse.  I truly can not see why there is an oproar because the norms address both sexual abuse and women’s ordination.   The norms address what needed to be addressed, not only sex abuse and women’s ordination, but other matters too.

In truth I think this particular “protest” is rather foolish and self-serving.

Must go.  A late late supper tonight 🙂

Enough for now,



This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Don Grecco, Levada, Scandal, Vatican. Bookmark the permalink.

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