Yesterday an earthquake. Today a power outage!
Interesting times indeed.
First, a reminder that problems on Sylvia’s Site caused by the server crash have now been rectified. All new articles posted on the site are again noted as I post them on New to the Site – click on the “New” tab on the far right of the menu at the top of the page.
Today I was wrapping up a new page on Father Ed MacNeil omi. It took longer than anticipated, and I still have a few odds and ends to add but the bulk of it is done. I was rolling right along until the power went and that was the end of it.
I will get back at it this evening. For now, do take the time to go through the time-lines. As I mention on the page itself, Father Ed MacNeil omi was charged in 1994. However, look at the inormation which comes from the 1999 Oblate directory and the following court document
19 September 1996: R. v. MacNeil Between Her Majesty the Queen and Edward Mark MacNeil
It looks as though MacNeil’s superiors were well aware that MacNeil was molesting long before he was charged.
Note that the directory indicates that 1983-1984 MacNeil spent a year ”of personal renewal and studies in Mexico.” ??? Could that possibly translate to he spent a year at the Servants of the Paraclete? I think it’s highly possible, and, if not a year with the Servants then possibly some other ‘recycling’ centre down in that area? The Servants of the Paraclete is the one which springs to mind, … it’s the one which was shut down, in part because the molesters being ‘treaated’ were out and about molesting in the community.
Note too that court documents indicate that in 1991 MacNeil spent several months in Southdown, presumably at his request.
Is it remotely possible that in this instance a victim came forward and a deal was made that there would be silence if MacNeil ‘got the help the needs’? I think it’s possible.
But, whether there was adeal or not, there was certainly acknowledgement that MacNeil was a molester and a decision was made to send him off to Southdown.
No sign there of seeking justice for MacNeil’s victims is there?
Then note that, according to court documents, after his spell in Southdown MacNeil was “engaged in various ministries for adults only.” BUT according to the Oblate directory from 1990-1994 he was at the Native People’s Parish in Toronto, Ontario.
My question there are two-fold (1) are there no children in the Native People’s Parish in Toronto? and (2) why ministry to adults only? Did the ‘experts’ at Southdown suggest he shouldn’t be around children?
Note too that in 1993 MacNeil was relieved of all responsiblities as a priest.
Why? What happened in 1993 to prompt such drastic measures? Was there another victim? If MacNeil was doing just fine and keeping his hands off young boys, why suddenly relieve him of all responsibilities as a priest?
Note too that the Oblate directory has him at the Native People’s Parish in Toronto through to 1994, but court documents have him working with AIDS patients at the Welllesley hospital and street people in June 1993.
Silly question maybe, but are there no children around the hospital? For that matter, are there no children out and about the streets of Toronto?
And then in 1994 MacNeil is shipped away and nestled in as chaplain at the Sister’s of St. Jospeph motherhouse in Peterborough Ontario.
I would be guessing here, but I would guess that this move came when word reached the Oblates that a victim was pursuing criminal charges and had gone to police. If not that, then there must have been trouble of some sort in Toronto? Why else relocate him completely and put him in a convent?
Anyway, overall it looks to me like a a rather disturbing picture of recyling and avoiding the law.
Amazing isn’t it that MacNeil was provincial from 1976-1982? (that’s provincial of what was then St. Peter’s Province) The man had been molesting young lads for years and he was elected provincial?
Perhaps no one knew? yet?
A final note: Doug Crosby omi, now Bishop of Corner Brook, Newfoundland and former Bishop of Labrador-Schefferville was provincial of St. Peter’s Province from 1988-1994.
I have some more current information to add. Father MacNeil keeps busy. I will add a few odds and ends and will scan and post a picture.
Enough for now,
Fr. Gabriel M. Patel or Patil – according to the SNAP website today June 25th – was a priest at one time in Ontario. He was ordained in 1972. A current lawsuit was filed sometime ago, relating to accusations that he molested two boys, age 6 and 7, for two years in Allentown, PA, starting in 1978. He is currently still a priest with the small religious order called “The Barnabites,” headquartered in the Lewiston/Youngstown area of New York, at St. Anthony Zaccaria Seminary. I couldn’t find his name on The Inquiry website, so thought I would pass this on. Perhaps someone is aware of his activities in Ontario.
This one has me on a bit of a wild goose chase. I am still trying to sort it out.
This is the SNAP article:
Other articles found simply say Patil was in St. James Church Ontario Canada in 2004 and possibly later.
St. James in Ontario has to be St. James, Oakville, Ontario. That is where the Barnabites are headquartered in Canada.
I also found that Patil was in charge of the Barnabite website, at least up to 2007.
AND, according to a Fall 2009 newsletter from Our Lady of the Rosary in San Diego, California:
I haven’t yet got confirmation of his time at St. James – reports are a little confusing. Was he in Oakville for part of the time he was provincial superior? It isn’t making sense to me yet.
I find him in Buffalo, NY in 2008 as provinical.
Can anyone confirm that Patil was at St. James Church in Oakville, Ontario? and for how long?
I won’t add him to the Accused list until I sort out if and when exactly he was in Oakville.
There’s a picture of him and links to articles here:
Right now it sounds as though he is off in India. But did he spend time here in Canada?