Are some complicit?

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I have added a few more details on the sorry saga of convicted child molester Father EriK Dejaeger

I have learned that he personally spells his name with a “K,” therefore unless a document refers to him as Father  Dejaeger I will now use the K.  I will however leave his page as is.

I will have more information on Dejaeger over the next few days.  It is looking very much like a few people obstructed justice to keep this man foot loose and fancy free over the past 17 years.  The picture will emerge more clearly as I get additional information translated into English.

I learned, for example, that he apparently spent the grand total of two years in jail.  Two years of a five years sentence. 

And, more clarity on what happened in the mid 90s.  Seems there was another raft of sex abuse charges.  A trial date was set.  Dejaeger packed his bags and fled! 

Should that not warrant an additional charge of contempt of court? on top of the sex abuse charges?

I certainly think it should. 

And what of all of the Oblates who knew Dejaeger skipped the country, knowing full well that he was eluding justice?  and was a threat to chidlren? 

 Are some  perhaps complicit in ejaeger’s  escape?  Did some obstruct justice?

We shall see

More to come on this.    


Seems it’s time for a host of computer problems again.  People are having trouble getting emails through to me.  Often they bounce back.  I have reported this to my webhost.  Very strange…..

Enough for now


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