I have posted several files related to Father Lorne Whalen, one of them signed off by alleged clerical sexual predator Father Roger Bazin in his capacity as Brigadier General Bazin, the Chaplain General of the Canadian Armed Forces.
I will be posting more and then will tie the pieces together with a bit of a narrative. I had another file to post but suddenly am having trouble with software 🙁 Hopefully just a momentary glitch and I can carry on in the morning. If not, an SOS goes out 🙂
I am told that Bishop Luc Bouchard (St. Paul, Alberta) suffered a stroke this past Friday morning. I am told that his left side is affected, and that his speech, leg and arm movements are impaired – to what degree I do not know. Please keep him in your prayers.
I have also been told that Bishop Knight lived at St. Augustines seminary, by the sound of things he moved into the seminary around the time or shortly after he was installed as auxiliary bishop of Toronto.
Is that routine ? A sitting bishop living in the seminary ? Perhaps it is, but it sounds pretty strange to me.
I am going to call it quits now for the day – will carry on with the Whalen business tomorrow. I feel like I am getting a feel for it all again and am finally seeing how I can break it down and put the info out in a reasonably simple manner – should move a little faster with it now 🙂
One last thing. For those who are wondering, yes, I will be adding a link in the Accused page for the names of Catholic teachers and other non clerical Catholic molesters.
Enogh for now,