I am busy getting something together on Father Lorne Whalen. It is taking time (: A beautiful day so I took a break and mowed part of the lawn, then back at it.) I am a great fan of timelines to sort things out, and there`s no lack of them here – trying to put into order who he was making passes at when, and when that all relates to his time in the military, and when he sexually assaulted a man, and when he was at Southdown, and when he was at the House of Affirmation in the States, and when Whalen decided to go after a priest erroneously alleging that the priest had violated the seal of confession, and when the Ottawa canon lawyers got involved, o that the priest was apologizing to Whalen, and how long he was at St. Patrick`s church in Ottawa and how much of that time he was accessing porn lines on the phone. Some of it I can figure out by going through documents, some I probably won`t be able to get beyond knowing that it happened.
So, I shall plug away at it.
Enough for now,
I was perusing your list of accused and came across the name of Claude Blanchette stating that a 1992 news article indicates “victims” not talking to the police. I know that Claude Blanchette was the spokesperson for the archdiocese of St.Boniface on abuse cases and native issues. Does the article of 1992 speak specifically of Claude Blanchette as being a potential abuser or was he not the spokesperson for the diocese? It would appear important to clarify this as Fr Blanchette died suddenly in 1995 after a very prolific and respected ministry. So, it would be of great interest to me to have a reference to the 1992 article so that this possible misunderstanding could be clarified. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
I will check on that right away. (And have removed the entry pending clarification)
I was perusing your list of accused and came across the name of Claude Blanchette stating that a 1992 news article indicates “victims” not talking to the police. I know that Claude Blanchette was the spokesperson for the archdiocese of St.Boniface on abuse cases and native issues. Does the article of 1992 speak specifically of Claude Blanchette as being a potential abuser or was he not the spokesperson for the diocese? It would appear important to clarify this as Fr Blanchette died suddenly in 1995 after a very prolific and respected ministry. So, it would be of great interest to me to have a reference to the 1992 article so that this possible misunderstanding could be clarified. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
thank you for your response
I don`t have the full article – I do have a library print out referencing various media articles, it reads as follows:
Claude Blanchette`s name in brackets is the way these old printouts sometimes identified the person who is the subject of the article. Other names bracketed in this manner in this particular printout accurately identify a priest who has been charged or accused as the subject of the article.
I will hold on re-entering this info because I realize it is possible that there was an error in the printout and that, as you suggest, Father Blanchette was a spokesman for the diocese. I truly do not want to falsely accuse or place a cloud of suspicion over anyone.
I will try to track down a copy of the 10 May 1992 Winnipeg Free Press as soon as I can – that may take a while.
If anyone has easy access to a good library and can check for me it would be much appreciated.