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Perry has now spent 73 days in jail – for stepping up to the plate to protect children.


Hearings resume at 0930 hours (9:30 am) this morning, Wednesday 30 April 2008. Inspector Rick Trew will continue his testimony.


At least 19 friends, family and victims travelled to Kingston to witness today’s mini hearing. It was over and done with in the twinkle of an eye. Essentially it boils down to a legal technicality of transferring what was an “inmate appeal” to a “solicitor appeal.” Perry was asked if he had retained Lawrence Greenspon. He had. Someone called Mr. Greenspon yesterday and asked if he has been retained by Perry. He has.

That’s it until 17 June 2008. Ont he 17th Perry is to appear at the courthouse in Kingston again. I believe this is more technicalities and entails recognition that the appeal is now officially a solicitor appeal.

It was an emotional morning. Perry I do believe is a little greyer every time I see him. And the beard is growing. But, his weight is holding. He is certainly not starving.

He was attired in the same black slacks and T-shirt he was wearing when he was arrested in Duncan BC on 10 February 2008. Those are the only non-prison clothes he has.

There was, as the Freeholder notes, a wink toward Helen and Monica when he was first escorted into the court, and he cast a side-ward glance at them a few times, but that aside he fixed his gaze elsewhere. I do believe it was a painful moment for Perry. Young Monica was in tears as soon as she saw her Dad. What father could see those tears and not want to rush to give comfort. He couldn’t do it.

And then it was over. Perry was escorted out.

We gathered outside waiting to see van which would convey Perry back to the Quinte Detention Centre pull out. Helen and Monica went closer than the rest. After a short spell they were heading back towards us. Monica was absolutely desolate and inconsolable. It was heart wrenching. And then the white van van with tinted windows drove past, and Perry was gone.

Lunchtime somehow became a catharsis. Good conversations. A few laughs. And homeward bound.

Hopefully Perry will be transferred back to the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre tomorrow.

Oh, I must tell you. While at Quinte Perry read Serpico, the true best seller of the honest cop who took on the corrupt New York city police force 🙂 The book was in the cell on his arrival. Perry was through it in no time.

One Serpico quote which is food for thought:

The problem is not so much that there are a lot of corrupt people, but rather that there are so many that the honest are scared of the corrupt.

Frank Serpico


I posted a number of articles. I caught a little of Inspector Trew’s testimony when I got home – enough to see Helen Daley (Citizens for Community Renewal) set her sights on Perry Dunlop, and see that Justice Glaude seemed to be a little short fused.

On that note I will call it a day.

Note the public meeting Thursday 01 May 2008 at 14 Marlborough St. N. (Cornwall Army, Navy and Air Force Club – just off the Montreal Rd.) More on that tomorrow. Mark your calendar!

Enough for now,



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