It’s done! The Persecution, Prosecution and Incarceration of former Constable Perry Dunlop is pretty well sorted out. I may add other media links in the future but I think that’s enough to get the thread of what’s been happening since June 2007. If anyone sees any serious gaps please let me know. I will add what needs to be added if it serves to give people an idea of the chronology.
I thought I was in serious trouble yesterday afternoon. As I was working away on the new page I discovered that one of the pdf files I was transferring on the website opened to a blank page. Nothing there at all. I started checking my other pdf files. Same thing. Panic!!
Thankfully I asked a friend to check a few of the files on his computer before I did serious damage. All was well there. His links opened just fine. I finally realized that it had to be something to do with my Adobe Reader. I eventually downloaded an update and then when problem persisted programmed it to repair itself. All is well 🙂 But, strange. I wonder if this is part of the Vista problem?
Talked to Perry yesterday (Thursday, 17 April 2008). He hadn’t been out in the yard. He was still hoping. And, it was shower day in his pod. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are shower days. I gather that the time of day varies considerably, but he has time on his hands, and has no idea what the time of day is anyway, so he just awaits his turn.
Wednesday was canteen day. A big day. Something to look forward to. Perry got his purchases. More books. Scotch mints. Chips. Paper. Pepperoni sticks. A few other odds and ends. A big day!
And, yes. Wednesday was a hot breakfast. Pancakes. And then some sort of macaroni, hamburger and tomato mix for lunch.
All things considered the menu sounds quite reasonable.
There is no word yet on a visit from his grandmother. Her health is deteriorating. She had another litre of fluid drain from her lungs. Has spells of confusion. It doesn’t sound good at all. How terrible that Perry should be locked behind bars at a time like this. It’s bad enough at the best of times, but this has to be so terribly difficult for everyone. Please pray that Perry has a chance to see her just once. I think it will break his heart if he doesn’t see her one more time. And pray for his grandmother, and the whole family.
Note Brent’s post re dumping Air Miles. So simple. I have points I want to transfer. I think I’ll go that route 🙂
Missed the pope’s visit yesterday completely. Didn’t catch one single broadcast. I will have to see what’s in the news. Am waiting to see what he has to say over the next few days. He’s in the U.S. ’till Sunday and will be speaking at a number of gatherings. I will hang on and let others blog away:)
Finally, an anniversary of sorts today. 18 April 2008. It’s three years ago today that then Attorney Michael Bryant held a press conference at City Hall in Cornwall and unveiled the mandate and announced that Justice Glaude was the pick for commissioner.
Three years!!!! And how many months to come? At least six.
And Perry in jail!
Mission, I would say, accomplished!!!
The real and “alleged” paedophiles of Cornwall can sleep tight…….
Enough for now,