But life goes on

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Computer software a little finicky today, but finally posted the support letters which Helen and family have been receiving in Duncan, BC.  More to come as Helen finds time in her busy days to get at them.  All appreciated more than words can ever tell.  Don’t forget them as time goes by.  As we on the outside settle in to the harsh reality that Perry is actually in jail and carry on with our day to day lives, each passing day makes the reality of the injustice harder on Helen.  Perry isn’t there.  He won’t be back in the evening.  He won’t be back in the morning. He’s not off on a hunting trip.

Perry won’t be home for months.  No “ cuddles” with the girls.  No evenings out with Helen and friends.

Perry’s in jail.

He won’t be home for Heather’s grad.  He won’t be home for his and Helen’s anniversary in May.

Perry’s in jail.

Hard.  It will eventually get tolerable, but not easier.  The family is too close knit for Perry’s absence under these circumstances to get easier.

Don’t forget them.  They need you prayers.  They cherish your letters of encouragement of support.  They appreciate your kind and thoughtful donations.


A chat with Perry today (Monday 14 April 2008).

Seems he is no longer getting yard time routinely.  I have no idea why.  Were the regular outings to “the yard” a flash in pan?   I hope not.  They shouldn’t be.

I asked Perry today what he misses the most.  Family aside and a given, here is a partial list ( Perry’s thoughts, my words):

(1)  Human touch. Human touch.  Human touch.

There is none.  The guards wear rubber gloves when interacting with inmates.  There is no flesh to flesh contact.

(2) Freedom, – to walk where he will and at his leisure;

(3) Privacy.  There is none;

(4) Supper time – the big meal of the day at the Dunlop household where all gathered at the table for a hearty well-cooked  meal and lots of chatter;

(5) Music.  He loves music.  Misses it terribly;

(6) Sitting in the backyard with a cup of coffee looking out over the lake;

(7)  The dog, particularly in the evenings when the dog would curl up alongside and perch his head on Perry’s lap;

(8)  Time with each of the girls – “ snuggle” time.  Hugs. Times when Dad and daughter talk, about anything and everything;

(9)   Interaction with people.  Perry’s a people person.  He misses that interaction so much.

But life still goes on behind bars. …

An Elvis sandwich for breakfast!  Perry stows away those bananas in his larder and that’s where they go – the makings for an Elvis sandwich to offset a dreary breakfast of cold cereal, bread and peanut butter 🙂

And, believe it or not, even behind bars – chic pea salad with cold cuts for lunch!  The cold cuts become a sandwich; the chic pea salad a side dish.

Apparently carrot/raisin salad appears on the menu with a degree of frequency.  Try as he might Perry can not acquire a taste for that one.  I don’t know if the problem is taste buds or recipe.  I make a carrot raisin salad and love it :).

On the noise front in the “pod” (the section in which Perry is incarcerated) three inmates were relocated elsewhere today.  Apparently a lot of raucous yelling and cussing back and forth between the trio over the past few nights.  Tonight should be quieter.

And so, as I said, life for the man who stepped up to the plate for children fifteen long years ago goes on –  behind bars.


No comments on Absent Observer’s blog of yesterday re Air Miles?  Please  do offer input.  I think the suggestions are great.  Anyone differ?  Or able to take things another step?  Or ready to offer encouragement?

And on that note, supper time.  Must run….

Enough for now,



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