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Hearings resume at 0930 hours (9:30 am) this morning, Monday 07 April 2007. S/Sgt. Luc Brunet’s examination in chief will continue, conducted by commission counsel Pierre Dumais.

The schedule for the remainder of the week is posted:

Monday 07 April 2008:

Luc Brunet – S/Sgt. Cornwall Police Service

Tuesday 08 April 2008

Luc Brunet

Claude Lortie – S/Sgt. CPS

Wednesday 09 April 2008:

Claude Lortie

Ron Lefebvre – Special Constable, CPS

Thursday 10 April 2008

Ron Lefebvre

Michael Quinn – Constable, CPS

(Note: Cornwall Police Services is now known as the Cornwall Community Police Service. I tend to use the former which is the old and more familiar title.)

After Thursday hearings recess until Monday 21 April 2008.


I have decided that I will deal with S/Sgt Derocher’ and Luc Brunet’s testimony during the upcoming break. I need the time. For now, three quick points and several questions regarding Brunet’s testimony:

(1) Brunet talked to Perry after Perry fulfilled his legal and moral obligation to go to the Children’s Aid Society regarding the sex abuse allegations against Father Charles MacDonald and Ken Seguin.

At that time, according to Brunet:

… we had some discussion, further discussion on it, and he [Perry] suggested at one point that we should talk to the Bishop and Father MacDonald shouldn’t be left in the parish. I told him that I agreed with that.

Questions: Why no concern on Brunet’s part regarding Father Charles MacDonald in a parish before this? For that matter, why were those in the know in the Cornwall Police Service silent for 10 long months while Father MacDonald, a suspect homosexual paedophile, carried on his priestly duties, with unfettered access to children, — and his parishioners ignorant of his alleged sexual proclivities?

(2) After Perry had gone to CAS and the cat was more or less out of the bag S/Sgt. Luc Brunet and Chief Claude Shaver headed off to Ottawa to see the Apostolic Pro Nuncio regarding the sex abuse allegations against Father Charlie. Then the pair went to talk to the Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall, Eugene Larocque.

Questions: Why not until then? Why did they wait so long? Why did it take them ten months to decide that someone in the Church should officially know that at least three men alleged they had been abused by Charlie when they were young boys?

And why did the pair not go straight to Bishop Larocque? Who directed them to the Nuncio?

3) In a 08 February 1994 memo to Staff Sergeant B.F. Wells, Deputy Chief St. Denis wrote:

“I believe Sergeant Lortie used the phrase ‘cover-up’ and he was very upset and agitated about the way the case was handled. The comments made at the meeting by Sergeant Lortie were such that they bothered Staff Sergeant Brunet, who discussed Sergeant Lortie’s comments with me after this morning meeting. Unfortunately I do not have an entry in my diary book as to the exact date of that particular morning meeting.”

Asked if the above summarized the discussion Brunet replied:

No, that’s fair. That’s — I remember there was — the way that Sergeant Lortie was presenting the argument, I didn’t — I felt it was improper.

Question: Brunet felt it was improper for Lortie to talk “cover-up” in such fashion? !! What, I wonder, under such circumstances, would Brunet describe as the “proper” way for a police officer to talk “cover-up”?


Had a very very short talk to Perry yesterday. We barely said “hello” and his phone time was up.

He sounds in good cheer. He had several visitors yesterday. He always enjoys visiting day 🙂 That, his phone time and his mail.

A reminder that another newspaper subscription would be most welcome. That’s the only way to get newspapers in to Perry. He is already getting the Ottawa Sun. The Ottawa Citizen and/or National Post would be read from cover to cover. Both are delivered in the Ottawa area.

Order a month at a time. Or share a five month gift subscription with friends or co-workers. Make delivery to:

Perry Dunlop c/o OCDC

Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Ottawa ON
K1B 4C4

I believe you can ask that a gift card be sent in your name. Just ask. I am quite certain they do it.


Must call it a day. Morning comes early.

Enough for now,



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