Blessed are those who mourn

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I have barely been off the phone.

Once word started to travel the phone started to ring.

People are upset beyond measure. It’s all so wrong. So terribly terribly wrong.

A quick update.

There will be no vigil outside the Duncan RCMP detachment where Perry Dunlop is being held pending transport to Toronto Ontario. It seems the officers in the detachment were not happy with a group of citizens keeping watch outside.

The vigil is over.

I spoke to Helen a few hours ago. She is shell shocked by the day’s events. Tears. “To see them put him the back of a cruiser when he spent 18 years in the front of it…” her voice broke mid sentence, then tailed off. Silence.

She told me that at the police station Perry was booked, given to a blanket and escorted to his cell.

Given a blanket! I can see it play out in my mind’s eye. Poor dear Perry.

“I’m sad” she told me in a whisper of voice so alien to Helen. “I’m more sad than mad.” Tears. “ I’m trying to see where the light is at the end of the tunnel …..and ……..and I just can’t see it.”

What, oh what can one say to that at a time like this?

I am at a loss for words.

This is Canada.

Today is “Family Day” in Ontario.

Perry Dunlop is in a holding cell in Duncan British Columbia.

Perry Dunlop never harmed a hair on a child’s head.

Perry Dunlop did the right thing, …..for the sake of the children.

Perry Dunlop is in jail.

The “alleged” paedohiles of Cornwall are at home, snug as a bug in a rug.

This whole thing is surreal.

Hypocricy abounds.

But, the rally was, I am told, as such things go, a great success. Perry and Helen were surrounded by dear friends and supporters. I am told there were in the order of 200 people. I see some early media reports put the number at 100. Those who were there say 200 or more.

After days of RCMP phoning and/or showing up on the doorstep asking and cajoling Perry to turn himself in the Dunlops decided this was the time to bring it to an end and get it over with, and, yes, thank goodness, to have it over and done with in the public eye.

There had been a stalemate of sorts. The mounties, it seems, were not prepared to get their man. They wanted him to turn himself in. Their man was ready to be arrested, but he was not about to turn himself in.

It had to come to an end. The stress and strain were wearing on the family.

Perry called the RCMP. He told them he would not turn himself. They could come and arrest him.

I have received several accounts of the afternoon. I will post them together. An eyewitness account brings it all home so much better than I ever could. I hear it was a powerful rally. The acounts are extremely moving.

I also have received a number of pictures, both of the signs and the arrest. I have to compress them in order to post them on the site. That’s business for later today. Several video clips are coming.

And, look at this. I just received this link to a batch of pictures.   Thank you Dave.

There’s a few heart breaking pictures in there.  Surrreal indeed.

There will be a light at the end of the tunnel Helen. Your day will come:

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.”


Keep an eye on New to the Site on the Home page. I have pictures and eyewitness accounts to post. And an email from another little girl who wants the world to know that Perry is her hero! She would like her letter posted right where Shawna Deroy‘s is. And I will certainly do that :).


Don’t forget: 10 am Ontario Divisional Court, Toronot, Wednesday, 20 February 2008. Perry will be there. So will Helen

Enough for now



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4 Responses to Blessed are those who mourn

  1. Myomy says:

    Abuse begets abuse. Watch the slide show and see the injustice system abusing Perry and his family. As Helen said “it never ends” and that is because the abuse has not been confronted, it just rolls on. Mr Glaude must be proud of himself for showing his authority. Since the mandate doesn’t allow him to investigate the abuse the least he could do is end the abuse and end this worthless and costly inquiry.

  2. Myomy says:

    There is a wonderful opportunity for one of these RCMP officers to join Perry as a hero. All they have to do is say this is wrong and refuse to play their role as a cog in the wheel of the injustice system. Of course they would loose their jobs, their own families would suffer as well, their good income would be gone and they would be bullied around like Perry was. They would now be standing beside Perry. Their defense is all written for them at Nuremburg where the Nazies were told that “just following orders” was not a good excuse for them. It seems to me that this applies here as well and I would like to see it argued eloquently in court by a damn good lawyer. It seems that these officers found this distasteful as they should. Their instincts are good but they still lack the courage of Perry Dunlop to do the right thing regardless of the consequences. We need more than one Perry Dunlop who is doing more than just following orders in the justice system.
    Perhaps I am dreaming again. We all know that any organization has to be like a machine with all the parts following orders. That is not what the civilized world told the nazis. The organization is made up of moral human beings who should say enough when the machine becomes destructive. Is there any place for humanity and moral judgement within the justice organization to correct it when it goes bad? That is the question here and it relates to the institutional response to allegations of sexual abuse. How can a machine respond properly when the driver is part of the problem? Is the justice system more than a machine? If so Perry and anyone who stands with him should be free and commended for their service while those who are abusing Perry should be reviled along with the Nazies.

  3. prima facie says:

    February 18, 2008.

    I weep as I read Katie Howe’s note and poem. I weep as I read Shawna Deroy’s note.
    I “cry” uncontrollably as I watch Dave’s slide show of the events, as they unfolded in Duncan yesterday. Marlee, Monica, Heather, you have grown so much, since I last saw you; you are women…”oh Dear God please”, I think…as I reflect on the “pain” you have been “given”, the “wounds” you will carry and the memory that will remain with you.

    I weep when I see a “Justice System” conspire and construct a “trap”, very possibly an “unlawful” trap, to catch and “muzzle”, “blacklisted and unemployed” “whistleblower-Police Constable”, Perry Dunlop. I weep when I see “Cop” arresting “Cop”, where the “Cops” suspect, “there is something terribly wrong here”.
    I know, this is a “saving face exercise” for the “Ontario Attorney General’s Office”, “Sudbury, Ontario Judge and “Cornwall Public Inquiry” Commissioner Glaude, et al”. THIS “face saving” exercise” which will also, “protect the accused”. SHAME!!! SHAME!!!

    I weep when I see a “Cop” with eighteen years of impeccable service to the community, be arrested for doing “the right thing”, for doing what I believe and hope, I would have had the courage to do, too.
    I weep when I know, particular “Crown Prosecutors”, “lawyers”, “civil servants”, “mental health caregivers”, “victims” and other laymen and professionals, who KNOW the facts, will NOT intervene or “come forward”, because “their” careers and lives, will be destroyed. (WHEN I confront some of them, I am told, “…do you want me to become like you?…well I can’t do that,” they say.

    BELIEVE me, as the Dunlop’s well know, a lot of manipulation, reforming, controlling, etc., etc., has occurred, since Perry Dunlop “broke the silence” in 1993.

    I am not angry at the citizen’s of Cornwall. I weep for the Community of Cornwall, Ontario. I have many extended family members and “friends” there. I visit them often.
    I know and understand some of the reason’s, the people of Cornwall have been convinced and/or conditioned to “accept” or “deny”, “the elephant in the front room”, “so-to-speak”.

    I believe, only healthier “survivors” or “genuine” caregivers, who, without $$$$$and perceived “fame” promises/motivations, who have received “accurate” training, WHO, are “free” from Government imposed management, i.e.) “protocol, restrictions, constrictions, standard operations manuals, “social control of the day”, misinterpreted confidentiality clauses”, “FEAR” AND WHO,… understand “CLOSED SYSTEMS”, “Community Denial”…can help.
    UNFORTUNATELY, for obvious reason’s, I truly believe the aforementioned training, etc., has been suppressed, by, in part, “the powers that be”, in the community. Training and education has been directed from an inappropriate and inaccurate, intervention, treatment and prevention “health, social, mental health, etc. model”.
    “OUTSIDERS” are ostracized, they eventually leave.
    BECAUSE of the “embedded” nature of the “closed system controls” in Cornwall, Ontario, the whole community is basically in “denial”.
    Typically and “symptomatic” of such cases,….. when Perry Dunlop left Cornwall, to save his family, many people felt abandoned. NOW, as it is evident that the Dunlop’s have “earned” new friendships in Duncan, B.C., Cornwall, may, cast yet more negative “opinions”, true or false, about them (perceived jealousy); again, symptomatic of a “dysfunctional, closed system”, which is knowingly or unknowingly, trying to “keep secret and in hiding”, the “elephant in the front room.”
    Again, typically, when someone within a “dysfunctional” “system”, i.e.) family, community, religious, legal, association, political, etc., leaves the system (a healthy thing) and discloses the “dysfunctional” facts within the system or asks for help, that person is ostracized and blamed from individuals etc., still existing within the system.
    IF the person does not return begging for forgiveness, guilt ridden and “redacting” their allegations, then the person is ULTIMATELY cast aside, dis-owned, to death, if necessary.

    FINALLY, I weep, when a “spoon fed” news media continues to publish inaccuracies and “misinformation” about the “issues” and about the Dunlop’s. WATCH for, the ridiculous headlines depicting, “…..he had it coming…he caused this himself”.
    EVEN yesterday, “Canadian Press”, the real ONLY “news source” in CANADA, sold and therewith disseminated to “news providers” in Canada (mostly subsidiaries of the same monopoliy) and around the world, that Perry Dunlop is suppose to appear in Toronto on Wednesday, to testify at a “Public Inquiry”. WRONG!!!

    ALSO, “The Victoria Times Colonist” reporter, Bill Cleverley, depicts the scene at the Dunlop’s yesterday as, ..”Amid a bizarre, almost circus like atmosphere…” boy, how long has this man even KNOWN about the story? Mr. Cleverley is NOT so informed or clever. WHY? Mr. Cleverley, you insult we the people, who KNOW the facts.

    FURTHERMORE, “Canadian Press” relies on the extremely biased, “Cornwall Public Inquiry” Legal Counsel Peter Engelmann, who is in fact the “opposition-Applicant”, with “Commissioner Glaude et al” to Perry Dunlop, for ALL information….strange, wouldn’t you say?

    I WEEP uncontrollably, when I see the obviously visible “love, compassion and understanding” “evidenced” in Dave’s slide show. I see the uncomfortable looks on the faces of the arresting officers. TO the people and friends of Duncan, British Columbia, my hat goes off to you.
    Thank GOD for the wonderful people and friends in Duncan, British Columbia.


  4. prima facie says:

    February 18, 2008

    “WAY TO GO CORNWALL”….keep it up!!

    SYLVIA: I see by your “links” that many Cornwall citizens have written letters to the local Standard-Freeholder today. Has the paper decided to “open” access after fifteen years or has “so and so” retired?
    I can’t believe it!! BUT MOST OF ALL, “WAY TO GO CORNWALL CITIZENS” keep writing, keep speaking out!! The “steps” will follow..”KEEP WRITING” WAY TO GO!!

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