The saga

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Happy New Year!

Only ten more days until Justice Normand Glaude kicks off the inquiry new year with the ongoing judicial bullying of Perry Dunlop.  Alas I do not have high hopes that common sense will prevail at the Weave Shed – the stakes are too high to shine the light on the alleged paedophiles of Cornwall and those who covered up on their behalf.  Perry is and will continue to be scapegoat – his every move, word and under the microscope and dissected and scrutinized ad nauseum.  More on that to come. Meanwhile don’t forget about contributing to Perry’s trust fund but didn’t quite get around to it with Christmas.  The Dunlop family need you prayers and they need financial assistance.  It will be a rough year for all.   .

For now another look at how justice is done in Cornwall.  I have just posted The Saga: Chronology of John MacDonald’s ongoing and relentless quest for justice. Read it and weep. I can say no more than to reiterate that Perry and justice don’t stand a hope in Cornwall.  Where does John go?  That’s the question.  Where does he go now that it is clear as day that he is getting the royal run-around and the wagons are circling at every turn?

Nothing changes…

Enough for now…



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1 Response to The saga

  1. prima facie says:

    ““The Greater Good” vs Constable Perry Dunlop”

    “The line between investigating and persecuting is very thin.”

    As far as Constable Perry Dunlop is concerned, I believe, “The Cornwall Public Inquiry et al” , crossed that line some time ago.

    Make no mistake about it, I believe “The Cornwall Public Inquiry” has been “designed” and delivered to Commissioner Glaude with instructions to accomplish two goals, for “The Greater Good”, ie:clear the names of the “accused et al” and discredit, dishonour, humiliate and render the “whistleblower” totally disabled.
    Furthermore, in their attempt to placate the “complainants-accusers” and the community for a short period of time, “Government” will shower them with “riches and promises” of fame and good fortune.

    For those of you who would like to “confront me” and say to me, “good things”, “new policies”, “significant networking, valuable research and recommendations”, “more help for victims” and the like, are coming out of this Inquiry, I reply, “you make me puke.” For, I believe “you” are the self-serving, gutless, opportunists, who, for years, relied on vague and ambiguous, interpretations of “confidentiality” stipulations, to “cover-up” the facts and absolve you, of “your” responsibilities and obligations.

    “You” are the real “irresponsible one’s” who did nothing for decades to properly “report”, “investigate” allegations and attempt to “intervene” and consequently “change/improve” the “system”. “You” did nothing to protect “our” children, when “YOU” knew what was going on! “YOU”, are the one’s who lied and/or misled the “Inquiry” and the world, when giving testimony at the Inquiry recently. “You” are the one’s who, for “The Greater Good”, forgot, couldn’t remember or simply, omitted to “disclose”, what you should have disclosed. Is this “Greater Good” philosophy being re-enforced in the pre-testimony, conditioning stage, by Commission Counsel? Is this what some of the witnesses have complained about or discussed in communications to me and others?

    Believe me, the Ontario Justice System, Commissioner Glaude, “The Cornwall Public Inquiry et al”, will shamefully and ruthlessly go to any lengths to, a) “save face”, b) “protect” the “accused et al”. All in the “name” of, preserving, “The Greater Good”..

    The record clearly show’s what Dunlop did in or about 1993, was legal. Twice Constable Perry Dunlop was exonerated of any “alleged” wrongdoing.

    In fact, I assert what Dunlop did was a “pure” execution of the law and what most “reasonable” people would expect and want, from their “responsible” police officers.

    After Constable Dunlop “disclosed” to Children’s Aid Services in the early 1990’s, it appears, several people contacted Constable Perry Dunlop. Seemingly, they contacted him in their attempts to get help from whom they perceived to be, a trustworthy “Cop.”

    HOWEVER, I believe, for “The Greater Good” and in their efforts to deny the allegations, “muddle” the facts and protect the “accused”; supporters for the “accused” and their “representatives”, constructed, sanctioned and “implemented” a series of acts and acts of omission, with the “intent” to “cover-up” allegations against the “accused et al.” ie. intimidation, threats, bogus lawsuits, “gags”, suppression, payoffs to the “complainants, alleged victims”, etc., etc., etc.

    Yes, the well versed and well oiled manipulators of legalese and “interpretation.”

    The “barristers and solicitors” of Canada’s elite! The “crème de la crème”, of the, malpractice, liability, insurance carrier, world; equipped with “The Law”, “privileged information” and “spinning” their various interpretations, omitting facts and inserting, supposition after supposition, presumption after presumption , at the most opportunistic and strategic time, ie) “…would it be fair to suggest…conclude”…etc..

    Loaded with, leading, suggestive and coercive skills to elicit speculation from witnesses, these “pillars of the community” “surf the wave” of conjecture, hypothesis, speculation, supposition and imagination, with “impunity” and sadly, without ANY objection from the biased few . I ask, how COULD “justice” have a chance? Where are the “watch dogs” so to say? Does no official have the “guts” to step up and intervene in this “mess”?

    I urge reader’s to open an encyclopedia, political dictionary or to simply, “Google”, “Utilitarianism”, “utilitarianist”. Also, at the same time, why not “Google”, “philosophy “Aristotle” the Greater Good” and related “links”. (the “Greater Good” is not episode 21 of “LOST”.)

    Commissioner Glaude has, on at least one occasion, referenced, “The Greater Good” when directing a witness at the Inquiry and therewith, implying his belief of the philosophical “theory” and his obvious “role” as a, “utilitarianist.”

    Additionally, for “The Greater Good” or because of his incompetence, the complexity of this matter or to exercise “power”, Commissioner Glaude “chose” to “solicit the services” of an outside, “power-coercive” entity, ie.) “Divisional Court”, to publicly, intimidate, humiliate, discipline and threaten Constable Perry Dunlop.

    This, I submit, may be an unprecedented act, but, is definitely, in my opinion, a despicable, reckless act and evidence that the Ontario Justice System, the Attorney General’s Office, The Premier’s Office, “The Cornwall Public Inquiry”, “The Powers That Be” et al, are “fed up” with Dunlop and predictably, in despair. “Authority left unchecked inevitably leads to corruption.”

    Ask anyone; no one has any idea, for certain, what has been confronted or accomplished at this Inquiry, with the exception to spending millions of public dollars, on high priced self-serving lawyers and “opportunists”….what a system!!!! Further evidence supporting “mis-interpretations”, “mis-understandings”, “communications” and desperation, is the “letter-to-the-editor” by an obviously distressed, Paul-Andre Durocher, Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall. In his letter, entitled, “Reference to false allegations not fair.” Dated, 13 December 2007, The Bishop, seemingly, is unsatisfied that his “accused” are not yet completely exonerated. Bishop Durocher appears to be begging reader’s to disbelieve allegations against his “accused”. This is reminiscent to the Diocese lawyer’s, running to the world press, “proclaiming” there was no pedophile clan in the Cornwall Area and that the “accused” were exonerated of any allegations of guilt and therefore vindicated!!
    This happened at the “end” of “Project Truth” investigations. (Sorry, the truth cannot be flushed away so easily, despite the efforts of the “mighty”.). However, as time will always tell, this Inquiry has already heard testimony and may hear corroborating testimony (suppression-I doubt it), which “supports” allegations, “Project Truth” management, including investigations about the same, was anything but “open”, “honest” and a complete representation of “all” of the facts. Maybe the Bishop is hoping for a “proclamation” by Diocese lawyers now, in similar fashion to the “Project Truth” “disinformation/proclamation”.

    Very briefly; practitioners of “The Greater Good” philosophy, in part, believe that, sacrificing one or a few, despite the “presence” of right or wrong, is okay, if it means the greater number of people and “the system” will survive and “be perceived, as being happy.” (I ask, “perceived by who”, from what perspective?)

    More important for “US” to know, is, what “worldly socio-economic and political, perspectives”, ideals, philosophies, intentions or motivations and interpretation(s), are advocating for “The Greater Good” , as implied by Commissioner Glaude?

    For ex) liberalism, socialism, communism, capitalism, Marxism, self-empowerment, victims’, accused”, etc., etc. Is it “Good” or “Evil” or “in between”?

    In this “new age” period, “Utilitaianists”, in “powerful, elitist” positions such as Commissioner Glaude’s, win over public opinion by “hiding” behind the “self-empowerment, pacifists, reconciliation, equality, normative-re-educative, altruism, holistic, etc, etc.” banner, when in fact, they are coercively, manipulating the “masses” to be, “blind followers”. Consequently the “ruling class” is guaranteeing the “blind followers” remain dependent on Government for everything and obedient to “superiors”, Government and other leaders from the “dominant ruling class” of the “period”.

    By the time the “masses” realize the deception, the Inquiry will be long over.
    Unfortunately, the rumours, innuendo and suffering, will continue and will “re-”gain momentum and support.

    Oh yes, “The Dunlop’s”? Well, I believe “they” are “cooked”, so to say…..and right in front of “our” apathetic, complacent, self-indulging, self-righteous, self-serving eyes.
    As in other countries, “The Dunlop’s” will be “punished” for “dissenting”, “whistle blowing” behaviours. “They” will be punished, “for life”, for standing-up for and asserting, the Rights and Freedoms this country proudly “purports” to represent. In other countries, “suppression of dissenters” is managed differently, but the outcome is similar.

    As Perry and Helen Dunlop have reiterated, “this was a cover-up in 1993 and it’s still a cover-up today.” The Dunlop’s have paid dearly for doing the “right thing”, for doing the “morally correct thing”, for “blowing the whistle”. In my opinion and as a consequence of “blowing the whistle” Commissioner Glaude has chosen to misuse the “Law” and utilize Divisional Court as a “tool” to “punish” Constable Perry Dunlop, thereby, also, preserving, “The Greater Good.” The suffering is not over yet for the Dunlop’s.

    Did anyone ask why there was not a “Judicial Inquiry” called “back in the day” as opposed to a “Public Inquiry?” The ONLY remedy, which MAY afford a “reprieve” to “The Dunlop’s” pain and suffering is, enormous “public outrage”.

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