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- Anonymous on McRae: Father Angus McRae
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- bc on Leger: Father Camille Leger
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- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Anonymous on It’s nearly ‘over’
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- Phil Johnson on Sander: Father Placidus Sander osb
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- UIOGD on Sander: Father Placidus Sander osb
- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Mark ONeill on Sander: Father Placidus Sander osb
- bc on France
- Phil Johnson on Judge OKs another class action lawsuit alleging sexual abuse by priests at Clercs de St-Viateur
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- My love, thoughts and prayers
- “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world…”
- Prayers please
- It’s nearly ‘over’
- Court reserves decision in Father MacKenzie extradition review
- “Unravelling church secrets – The Fifth Estate” & “Prey” a TVO documentary
- Prey (the documentary)
- Extraditions
- Basilian Fathers lose appeal
- Chaldeon priest who made a “mistake” off to prison
Links of Interest
- Abuse of Minors: The Church's response
- Australian Royal Commission
- Bishop Accountability
- Cornwall and the Cornwall Public Inquiry
- IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales
- International Clergy Sexual Abuse Monitor
- Ken Hills Blogspot
- Monsignor Bernard Prince website
- N.Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
- Special Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the Police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
- Vicoria Australia Parliamentray Inquiry
Monthly Archives: January 2008
The flu
I have the flu 🙁 Will take it easy this morning Enough for now, Sylvia (
A great thesis
Steve Parisien was back in court today (Tuesday 30 January 2008) with the sex abuse trial of one of his “alleged” abusers. Keep him in your prayers. He is having a rough time. His trial has been spread out over … Continue reading
A confusing and disconcerting day yesterday (Monday 28 January 2008). I will go over notes and all later to see what I have missed as far as quotes and explanations are concerned. I did speak to lead commission counsel to … Continue reading
Whither the success?
I’m on my way to Toronto later today. Won’t be blogging or posting until I get home sometime Monday evening. **** “It is essential for the success of this Inquiry that people come forward, free from any undue influence, promise … Continue reading
In his own backyard
Note the information and temporary change to the Home page. Also note the excellent letter by canon lawyer Father Tom Doyle which appeared in today’s Cornwall Standard Freeholder and has been added to Sound Off!.(to access the sound off link … Continue reading
No hearings this morning (Friday 25 January 2008). Hearings at the Weave Shed courtroom resume Monday 04 February 2008. The Inquiry Perry Dunlop business resumes in Toronto at the Ontario Divisional Court at 10 am Monday 28 January 2008. Address … Continue reading
Swaying in the breeze
It’s all over until Monday 04 February 2008. Today’s business was finished at 12:30 pm. There were no witnesses on deck. Away went the gathered throng. I am tidying up my post, now renamed “The tip of the Iceberg”? Hawkin’s … Continue reading
The tip of the iceberg?
Hearings resumed at 0930 hours (9:30 am) this morning, Thursday, 24 January 2008. Ray Hawkins back on the stand for cross-examination. He is currently under cross-examination by Michael Neville (Father Charles MacDonald and Ken Seguin) and, at this moment and … Continue reading
Server down
As you may have noticed by now, my server was down for a brief spell this am. Things are up and running again. I will get my blog posted in a jiffy 🙂 Sylvia
Another legal ruckus
Another legal ruckus! Hearings have recessed and will resume at noon. Roy Hawkins former Regional Administrator (Eastern Region) Youth and Community Services, Ministry of Correctional Services will take the stand. Sue Lariviere’s testimony which was scarce off the ground has … Continue reading