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A recap of Karen Derochie’s testimony is posted.  Rather intriguing.  Derochie would have to classify as a fairly credible witness.  She did not want to be there at all and would seem to have no motive whatever to conjure up a tale about three lawyers and her former boss.

The question of course is what could this be about?  It seems to go without saying that the fact it entails the legal trio is more than happenstance.

IF indeed things happened somewhat as outlined by Derochie I personally wonder if the trio hoped that Duncan MacDonald would throw some money into the pay-off pot, or felt that he had connections to pull strings somewhere to get the money.

Whatever it was all about, it seems it backfired.


Bad weather in the offing.  The forecast for tomorrow varies from 25 to a whopping 60 cm of snow.  Either way it may negatively impact hearings on Monday.  We’ll have to wait and see…

As it stand hearings are scheduled to resume at 1400 hours (2 pm) Monday, 17 December 2007.  Witnesses scheduled are:

Monday and Tuesday, 17 & 18 December 2007     Deborah Newman, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Community Safety and Corrrectional Services

Wednesday 19 December 2007:  Carole Cardinal, former Probation Officer and Parole Officer

After Wednesday – off for Christmas!


I have added a page for the Perry Dunlop Trust Fund.  Pass the word around.  Put posters up at the corner store.   Run an ad in your local paper.  The Dunlops need your help.  Remember them at Christmas as the threat of jail looms over Perry’s head.

Enough for now,



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