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Hearings resume at 0930 hours (9:30am) this morning, Tuesday, 20 November 2007, Lawyer and former MPP Garry Guzzo will return to continue his examination in chief. We will no doubt learn the results of the expert analysis of Guzzo’s redacted notes. Guzzo is scheduled to continue his testimony today and tomorrow.

Apologies. I didn’t get back to the computer last night. The Divisional Court’s compliance with Justice Glaude’s desire that Perry Dunlop be charged with contempt of court disturbed me deeply. Between that and yesterday’s ODE (Overview Documentary Evidence) to deceased former probation officer and paedophile Nelson Barque, I had had enough of it all. To hear the cover-up of Barque’s sexual abuse of probationers made me sick. Until yesterday the bulk of what we knew of Barque would have been dismissed as “rumour” and “innuendo”!!

Yes. lots of rumour and innuendo in Cornwall. If anyone had taken the time to pay heed to Perry instead of to those who protect these sexual deviants we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in today, a slew of lawyers wouldn’t be lining their pockets, a raft of others wouldn’t be feathering their nests on the backs of the victims, the tax payers of Ontario wouldn’t be financing the Cornwall Police Service’s efforts to get Perry, and Perry wouldn’t be charged with contempt of court.

I’ll get back to this, but to think that those who knew sat twiddling their thumbs while decent folk trying to protect children were treated as fools and liars.

Imagine! Nelson Barque – a former seminarian and known molester whose crimes were covered up – working with a child sex abuse prevention group! And landing a job working with disabled youth!!! And getting a recommed for the latter job from the very man who knew what Barque was a sexual predator!!!

And for the past 14 years the guns have been aimed at Perry Dunlop because he dared to blow the whistle?!!

There is no cover-up?

I didn’t catch the ODE to Ken Seguin. I’m sure there’s no more comfort in that. But, I’ll get to that when I collect my breath and thoughts.


Received an email yesterday – mailed off to multiple recipients yesterday by Nancy Mayer. Think of this:

I think it is a very sad day when Perry Dunlop, the whistle blower who risked everything to try to uncover child abuse in Cornwall gets found guilty of contempt of court on the World Day for Prevention of Child abuse…………

What an irony!! I doubt that the ‘honourable” justices picked the day for Perry’s lynching with that in mind. Or, … did they?

Food for thought. How low will our Canadian judiciary stoop in its efforts to shoot the messenger while simultaneously wrapping sexual predators with this right, that right and the other right?



I believe there are now six brave souls who are ready willing and able to take Perry’s place in jail. Amazing indeed.

I will put the stirring notes together and post them on the website. Those who are ready to share the burden the Dunlops have borne for far too long can send me an email and I will add your name to the growing list.

Meanwhile some stalwart souls in the United States are considering travelling to Cornwall for 14 January 2007. Kay Goodnow, the 71-year-old grandmother who first stepped up to the plate with an offer to serve Parry’s time in jail is looking at her flying points and sorting out the logistics of getting to Cornwall! She has others ready to accompany her.

Americans stepping up to the plate to stand beside and for our beleaguered, vilified and persecuted Perry Dunlop!!

How many Canadians are ready to speak up and speak out?


I must get to the media and get it up before the day begins.

Enough for now,



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1 Response to Disgusting

  1. prima facie says:

    I guarantee you, drastic efforts will be made to get Perry Dunlop “on board” with Judge Glaude, between now and the “lynching date”, scheduled for, sometime in 2008.
    “THE SYSTEM” must somehow, “save-face”…mark my words. Maybe even more promises, $$$, anything, to “help” the “system”. Maybe even like the “rumour” I heard in earlier years, where, if Perry would only stand on the Bishop’s front lawn, apologize and say that he “misled” the community,…..he would be have been well compensated and rewarded….we wouldn’t be here today either.

    This so-called “Public Inquiry” was supposed to fill in the hole, so to say, dug by rumour and innuendo, consequently, clearing the “good names” of the accused and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cornwall-Alexandria. (research-Google, Public Inquiries, definitions, intentions, reason’s for, pro’s and con’s).

    Instead, this “Public Inquiry” has dug a deeper hole. Commish. Glaude and “the system” has dug so deep, they don’t know “how to get out.” As “cronyism type appointees” by other, like-minded, non-thinkers, these “authority figures”, are void of the ability to be critical-thinkers and effectively be pro-active or “problem solvers.”

    These “blind-followers”, are LOST!! SO, they must do the ONLY thing they know, enforce authority, power and discipline, through “power-coercive” means. CAN anyone say GULAG?…in Ontario? in Canada?

    Judge Glaude (Google Judge Roy Bean) and the country-club, obedient, “three blind following mice” at Divisional Court, had no choice. But, it’s not yet over (15 years and counting), the attacks will continue, until Perry can speak no more!!

    Judge Glaude et al, MUST SET THE STANDARD clearly; so-called “runaway cops”, “whistleblowers”, dissenting voices providing “fair, priviledged comment” of this nature, will NOT be tolerated and will be ostracized, humiliated, jailed and blacklisted, into a “slower death-demise.”

    Can anyone say “Gulag”?

    It’s different in Canada…we are given “goods and services”, but have no idea what is going on “behind closed doors.” There will be VOICES, when the masses are looking for their $$$$$ come retirement time and realize, NO entity with teeth, has been watching the vault-doors.

    WE are too pre-occupied, entirely with “beer, hockey, self-gratification and bashing American’s”, to investigate our own…we wait for the odd “tidbit” from an Auditor General’s Report, before we express a “one liner.” OH yes, a “regionalized, mostly muted, mainstream news media, doesn’t help. In fact, it does the opposite, “suppresses information” and perpetuates “corruption”. UNCHECKED POWER and AUTHORITY leads to “CORRUPTION”.

    Even higher-up’s at these news channels are saying, “why doesn’t Perry talk? What has he go to hide?” Incredible; this line of rationalization is either a result of ignorance, not following any of “the facts”, or, simply a result of a “cronyism” placement, by other “public funded” personnel, working in a publicly funded, radio-television channel.

    “In place”, when needed, as recently evidenced by Kilger’s secret payment agreement to defray Inquiry costs, are politicians like Bob Kilger(Google Mayor of Cornwall, Ontario), Guy Lauzon (Google Federal Government of Canada) and Jim Brownell (Google Ontario Provincial Government). Kilger was, long time ago, plucked from being a Manager at a chicken restaurant and placed-voted into Government Office-Deputy House Speaker for years. Guy Lauzon and his “crew”, is a brutal opportunist, at any cost. They are all close friends, Roman Catholics and in many of the same social, religious, professional, associations.

    Last week Inquiry Counsel, Engelmann scurries to create the impression that his “notable” queries to Lawyer Sean Adams, were a result of his astute investigations…WRONG!!…in fact, it is from the book of ,”I’m sorry because I got caught or I’m sorry because I did it.” In reality, a witness WAS set to come forward and disclose “earth-shatterring news.” I say “WAS”, because, well, you figure it out. Will the witness, instead, take the cowardly route that Ontario’s Chief Cop Julian Fantino, took?

    INFORMATION the Inquiry could not find….hello!!!!

    And as far as witnesses go, Garry Guzzo as well as people like me KNOW there exist witnesses WHO CAN TELL ALL….right GARRY, now get to it, or, are you a Julian too?



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