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I have no idea what’s happening.  The “In Camera” screen is finally off: the inquiry logo is on.  To my knowledge they were still in camera at 12:30 pm. That means that an hour or less to sort out monikers morphed into a near three hour session.

There must have been fireworks flying in there over something.

We’ll have to wait and see….

I can only speculate on when things resume.  Normally lunch runs until 1400 hours (2 pm).  Occassionally when commission thinks time is of the essence they decide to return at 1330 hours (1:30 pm).  I will keep an eye from 1:30 on.

Enough for now,



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One Response to Fireworks?

  1. Myomy says:

    Commissioner Glaude was dismissive of Gary Guzzo who spoke up making a point about his right of confidentiality to put it on the record. He wants his secrets kept but others secrets can be shouted to the world. He didn’t even want to take a minute to hear the concerns of Gary Guzzo. The victims on Guzzo’s list were granted confidentiality but two others referred to derisively by Glaude as whistleblowers have only provisional confidentiality. Glaude seemed to dismiss the possibility of any whistleblower in these circumstances. He implied that this was not the correct word for them. It is open season on whistleblowers at this inquiry. Many people came forward to Gary Guzzo hoping he could do something to solve this problem but this became a sting operation despite the best intentions of Gary Guzzo.

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