A reminder. No hearings today. The inquiry is in recess until 2 pm Monday, 22 October 2007.
The schedule of witnesses hasn’t been posted yet, but I think Garry Guzzo may be on the roster for next week.
A few words about some of the new media postings:
(1) 18 October 2007: Examples of protection victims can employ
This is more domestic violence business which has traditionally been geared toward treating females and females alone as eternal victims and males and males alone as irreprable ogres.
(2) 18 October 2007: Community Meets To Prevent Abuse
Without doubt, with Advisory Panel member and “expert” witness Dr. Peter Jaffe speaking, this session will, like the inquiry and mandate, deftly side-step or diminish the well-known fact that the large majority of victims at the heart of the Cornwall sex abuse scandal and cover-up are men who were homosexually molested as children.
(3) 17 October 2007: City faces another big inquiry bill
What makes Claude McIntosh believe that the Cornwall Police Service is keeping a tight reign on the budget?
Actually I am inclined to think the police legal bill will be up from it’s previous $3.1M. For example, how many hours over the past few weeks have we seen both John Callaghan and Peter Manderville sit side by side in the Weave Shed courtroom? That’s two lawyers who each get paid for every hour they’re in there. Those hours in the Weave Shed alone will probably ring in in the range of $800 to $1,000/hr!
No matter. Now that Dalton McGuinty is back in power and Jim Brownell held onto his seat in the recent Ontario election I think we can safely surmise there will once again be howls about legal costs, collusion at Queen’s Park and that in the end the tax payers of Ontario will be obliged to pick up the pricey legal tab accrued by the Cornwall Police Service as it aims its canons at, amongst others, Perry Dunlop, Carson Chisholm, Dick Nadeau and the victims, ….and away from the “alleged” paedophiles of Cornwall.
I still have another few hours of other business to take care of today. Once done, will post on Carson’s testimony.
Enough for now,