By now most have heard of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles monumental multi-million dollar settlement with victims of clerical sexual abuse.
I have posted several articles related to the settlement. It’s the same old story as elsewhere throughout the world – the heartbreaking and disastrous consequence of Church officials consistently turning a blind eye to the carnage wrought by predatory clergy who were protected by their superiors and left free to prey upon the unwitting trust of parents and the innocence of vulnerable children.
There are several things I want to draw to your attention:
(1) Note the victim who hopes this settlement will mean he and others will no longer be referred to “alleged” victims.
(2) Note the lawyers in the action receive a minimum of 40% of the settlement. I have seen figures ranging from 40% to 60%.
(3) Note that after five years of legal wrangling the settlement came at the 11th hour. The trial was scheduled to begin yesterday. It was anticipated that Archbishop Mahony would be called to testify.
(4) Note that nine victims committed suicide while the law suit chugged along.
(5) Note the archdiocese must release confidential priest personnel files after review by a judge assigned to oversee the litigation
A final thought. I read elsewhere that a number of the 508 victims were anxious to proceed to trial. They wanted to get to the truth. Unfortunately a number of others apparently feared a trial would mean the loss of their anonymity. It seems to me that as long as victims continue to feel there is a stigma associated to being a victim public opinion will not change, thousands of victims will remain silent and clerical – and other – sexual predators will be left free to prowl streets and sanctuaries with unfettered access to the tender souls of our children. What does it take for “the system” to encourage victims to speak up? The shame and guilt rightly belong to and should be placed squarely where they belong: (1) upon the shoulders of the molesters, and, (2) at the feet of those who cover-up for and protect them.
I have been waylaid for a coupe of days :). Will get back to Ron Leroux‘ testimony….
Enough for now,