Four days of circling the wagons in the offing

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Hearings resume at 2 pm this afternoon (Monday 27 November 2006).  The afternoon will apparently be given to David Sheriff-Scott, lawyer for the diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, who will file a motion regarding confidentiality.

The schedule for the remainder of the week is:

Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29 November 2006 –  Claude Marleau

Thursday 30 November 2006 –  Albert Roy, Vicki Roy

A few quick comments:

(1) The Diocese
The diocese’s motion undoubtedly relates to the damning and pending testimony of Claude Marleau who is scheduled to take the stand tomorrow (Tuesday 28 November 2006).

I would venture a guess that much of Marleau’s testimony will be problematic for the diocese.  Claude alleges he was sexually abused by Fathers Don Scott, Hollis Lapierre, Rene Dube, Kenneth Martin and Paul Lapierre.

Scott and Lapierre (no relation to Father Paul Lapierre) are deceased however I must say I am hard pressed to believe there was never one single allegation against either of the pair reported to the diocese.  And certainly I have questions regarding Father Don Scott’s absence from the diocese in the late 60s and appearance in Toronto in the early 70s.  What happened?  Was he shuttled out following allegations?  It’s highly possible. 

Father Paul Lapierre, brother of Senator Laurier Lapierre, is currently incarcerated in Quebec. Barring a trip to the Supereme Court of Canada Lapierre finally exhausted his appeals and his conviction on the sexual abuse of Claude Marlow in Montreal, Quebec stands.  (Lapierre was acquitted in Cornwall – the same victim – Claude Marleau –  but, ….Lapierre was acquitted!!!)

I am sure it goes without saying that the diocese will be anxious to keep what it can regarding both Claude’s allegations and any existing and damning diocesan paper trail regarding any of these priests under wraps. And, I am certain, it will be most anxious to keep any testimony or documentation regarding Father Rene Dube, who is functioning as a diocesan priest, “confidential.”

How Sheriff-Scott approaches the issue remains to be seen.

(2) Time
You will note that two days have been ear-marked for Claude Marleau’s testimony. 

Unbelievable!!  Two days. 

Two days for the examination in chief and cross examination of a victim whose sexual abuse allegations relate to five priests and, what, three laymen? Dr. Peachy (former acting physician for the Cornwall Police actively involved in the “the Church”), Sandy Lawrence (organist and owner of music store, actively involved in “the Church”) and Roch Landry (butcher – I don’t know much about his religious puersuasions)?

Two days?!!! 

Impossible.  It’s absolutely impossible.

Even if Claude’s testimony is carried over to a third day (the Thursday) and poor Albert Roy is rescheduled and put on the back burner – again – it’s impossible. 

Not if it’s to be done properly.

But that takes us back to the mandate doesn’t it? and what this inquiry is all about, and what it’s supposed to be all about? 

And, of course, even if two or three days was remotely adequate that’s working on the assumption that Claude’s time on the stand will be unfettered by diocesan attempts to run down the clock.

Claude I hear is scheduled to leave the country at the end of the month.   That means that no matter what happens, at the end of this week, he’s gone!

It wouldn’t take much, would it, for David Sheriff-Scott, on Bishop Durocher’/the diocese’s behalf, to run down the clock for a few days?

No matter, the commission has ear-marked two days – perhaps three max – to hear from a man who was, as he has said, passed around like a used toy, from one real/”alleged” molester to another. 

(3) Connecting the dots 

 Claude’s testimony could go a long way to connecting a few dots – …if of course, anyone is remotely interested in asking the right questions to even try to connect the dots. And if, of course, the questions can squeeze past those who are apt to howl that this inquiry isn’t mandated to find out who rubbed shoulders where, when and why with Sandy Lawrence, Dr. Peachy, Roch Landry and Fathers Paul Lapierre, Kenneth Martin, Rene Dube and Don Scott.

But then, on the other hand, no one has any problem getting excited over who did or did not rub shoulders where , when and why with Perry Dunlop, Helen Dunlop, Carson Chisholm etc etc.

Bottom line?  This week has the makings of four chaotic days of circling the wagons.


Interesting. I just realized that the Viatorians, the priests who ran the Cornwall Classical College, are nowhere to be seen at the inquiry.  They didn’t apply for standing.  Does that mean the diocese is actually shouldering responsibilty for the acts of sexual abuse perpetrated by Viatorian priests? Or does it mean the inquiry isn’t bothering with them?  I don’t know. We’ll just have to wait and see 🙂

Anyway, I will catch what I can of the hearings today.  If I miss the live coverage I will read the transcripts.

Enough for now,


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