Web host under attack

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There were problems with my email and blog today.  Those who found a blank screen instead of blog text happened upon the blog when my host was experiencing massive problems.  It was well handled and no damage done in the long run, but it was not for lack of trying on the part of a gaggle of spammers who apparently signed up about ten fraudulent accounts and proceeded to bombard the server with literally millions of emails which crashed the mail server three times. 

I don’t understand the technicalities of what transpired but I do know the onslaught caused massive problems for my host and temporary problems for me –  I was unable to access my email account and the blog was semi-crippled for several hours. 

Fortunately Ariel has the equipment to protect his clients, the issue has now been resolved and a process has been put in place to screen out fraudulent accounts to prevent similar attacks in the future.       

Ariel is unsure why but believes he is being targeted by spammers.  All is well now and everything seems to be in good order. So, if you attempted to send an email earlier in the day and had problems, try again.      

Enough for now,

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5 Responses to Web host under attack

  1. Myomy says:

    Millions of emails. Who has the time to read all that? Is this provoked by somebody who does not want public discussion of the public inquiry??

  2. Sylvia says:

    In light of the previous threats to my host – http://www.theinquiry.ca/wordpress/?cat=4 – I must say that thought has crossed my mind 🙁

  3. prima facie says:

    Sylvia: You have presented a website about a very serious PUBLIC MATTER. The issue you are confronting, is gigantic, reaching far beyond Cornwall’s borders.

    In your website, http://www.theinquiry.ca, you have presented the facts in a well organized, easily accessible manner. You have re-visited already published facts/news articles and you have presented them for the world to see…facts which many people have seen before, but, most likely have forgotten.
    The “alleged abusers” and their protectors, rely on lengtly time periods, anticipating that, people will move on, forget or, legal statutes of limitations, will expire and therefore, it will be too late to prosecute.
    Also, in an attempt to keep the public in the dark, “alleged victims” may be “paid off” in exchange for their, forever-“silence;” this also, keeps the public in the dark, but, vulnerable to future attacks by “alleged abusers.”

    You have also, freely expressed, your informed opinion, from your perspective and you have encouraged debate and feedback from the world, via your “blog.”

    Regarding a sensitive issue surrounding real or perceived sexual abuse and especially when debating the facts surrounding Project Truth and related, Reader’s may be “silent,” but they are not “stupid.”

    Believe me, MANY, MANY and perhaps EVERYONE in and around Cornwal, KNOW THE TRUTH.

    Others, can easily connect the dots.

    Reader’s know that if the “facts” are truly disclosed, then, the “alleged sexual abusers” and their protectors, will face serious public scorn and the world will know the truth. The public KNOWING THE TRUTH, is much worse to paedophiles and alleged paedophiles, than going to jail. Also, as you have well documented, criminal prosecution is impossible, because of previous-current “settlements” and previous criminal charges being dismissed, unproven, discontinued, etc. Unless a miscarriage of justice or fraud, etc., can be proven, surrounding previous cases, forget criminal prosecution.

    But, the “alleged abusers, their protectors and anyone with anything to lose,” will do anything to suppress disclosure of facts. They will manipulate information being published (publication bans, redactions, etc)and utilize ANY and EVERY method to intimidate “the messenger,” until the messenger complies, succumbs or dies. In seriously dysfunctional settings, in the home, a relationship, the community, the Province, the Nation, etc., it is THE PERSON who “BREAKS THE SILENCE”, confronts and discloses the dysfunction, who eventually is targeted….i.e.)Perry Dunlop, http://www.theinquiry.ca

    You are the ONLY website/source, presenting such “damaging” information, which is, THE HISTORICAL AND CURRENT FACTS.
    Ask your server, how much it will cost to conduct a forensic trace….in the event the problems discussed are a result of intimidation towards your initiatives. I would be interested in paying all the related costs or part of the costs for such a trace and subsequent disclosures.

    EXPECT ANYTHING UNTIL YOU ARE SILENCED and the public remain vulnerable.

  4. Sylvia says:

    I have just conveyed your generous and thoughtful offer to Ariel. I will report back.

  5. Sylvia says:

    Ariel doubts the attack has anything to do with my site – says spam is just one of the problems hosting companies have to deal with from time to time.

    I can’t for the life of me conceive that people truly get their kicks out tormenting strangers in such fashion. But then neither can I conceive that people would willing allow children to be placed at risk by leaving suspect paedophiles floating around.

    A strange world we live in indeed 🙁

    I told Ariel that I would leave the offer on the table – hope that is alright with you 🙂

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