Santa Claus McGuinty sails through Cornwall

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With his hobbled sexual abuse inquiry ground to a virtual standstill Premier Dalton McGuinty sailed into Cornwall yesterday to play Santa Claus with taxpayers’ dollars:  a $3.7 M debt was forgiven,  $700,000 is being poured into school libraries, and McGuinty apparently charmed many with his humour and eased tensions with children by encouraging them to reach out and touch him. 

What can I say? Fellow Liberal and candidate for Mayor Bob Kilger must be pleased.  Ditto Liberal MPP Jim Brownell. 

As for the inquiry itself, McGuinty apparently told AM 1220 that he is watching the inquiry from a distance and making sure it gets the job done. 

There it is in a nutshell.  McGuinty allegedly said it himself. Just think about it.  In this so-called independent and impartial inquiry which is supposed to operate at arm’s length from the government the Premier himself is hard at work ensuring the job gets done! 

McGuinty has already put his seal on the mandate which was crafted to (a) hold no one accountable (b) avoid addressing the allegations of a paedophile ring and cover-up which gave rise to calls for an inquiry in the frist place, (c) side-step determining the veracity of the sexual abuse allegations of the alleged victims, and (d) allow suspect paedophiles to roam the streets and sanctuaries of Cornwall unfettered.  Then he placed his toothless mandate in the hands of an Ontario judge who (a) is beholden to the office of the Attorney General which is itself implicated in the scandal, (b) has deep family roots in Cornwall,  and (c) is surrounded by real and perceived conflicts which the judge and the McGuinty government refuse to acknowledge or address. 

And now the premier is ensuring that the job gets done?    Really?! 

That raises a question:  What job is McGuinty talking about?  Back in 2000  McGuinty said he backed an inquiry to “burn off the fog of innuendos and allegations that has been shrouding the Cornwall area and shed light on the truth.”  His chosen commissioner, Justice Glaude, has already unilaterally determined that the “rumour” and “innuendo” swirling around Cornwall are false.  Seems to me the job is done.  Why then is McGuinty wasting our time and money?  

And that of course begs the question:  what job is McGuinty talking about? 

Is it huggy-bear-kissy-face?  What else can it be?  Justice Glaude has burned off the fog and it has become increasingly clear that the upper echelons have concluded that as far as Cornwall is concerned there are no paedophiles, there are no victims, there is no paedophile ring, and there is no cover-up – ergo the alleged victims are liars, the alleged paedohiles sport halos, and Perry Dunlop had nothing better to do with his time than have his reputation, career and security destroyed.I’d say that’s it in a nutshell. 

And that’s enough for now,


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