What with all the motions tying up proceedings Justice Glaude has issued the latest revised schedule of hearings:
- Context evidence of diocese was scheduled to be heard the week of 19 or 27 June. The diocese and its witnesses are not ready. Therefore, with the exception of Tuesday the 27th of June, there will be nothing happening during the weeks of 19 and 27 June.
- There are three events scheduled for the 27th of June 2006:
(1) the Upper Canada School Board will make application for standing at the inquiry;
(2) the diocese and Citizens for Community Renewal will apply to have their funding orders amended; and
(3) Justice Glaude will rule on the motion argued today (15 June 06) by Cornwall Police Service and supported by the diocese regarding disclosure of documents which they believe are protected by solicitor/client privilege.
- During the week of 24 July the commission will hear contextual evidence from the Ministry of Attorney General and the diocese.
- The week of 08 August should see completion of the diocese’s context evidence. If the Upper Canada School Board is granted standing it will be slotted in at this time.
- Justice Glaude anticipates that that the above evidence to be completed by 11 August – if not, hearings will continue into week of 14 August ‘06.
- Nothing the week of 21 August.
- In the midst of this – 13 July ’06 – Father MacDonald’s lawyers are off to Divisional Court seeking a judicial review of Glaude’s decision that the victims can testify, albeit in a limited fashion.
- And, finally, “barring any unforseen developments” Justice Glaude intends to commence substantive hearings 05 September 2006.
Amidst this stuttering chaos Glaude and team are preparing to move into Phase 11 – the Cornwall Inquiry website has added a button bar for “Healing Work” – at this time it contains one comment “Talk about healing.”
Healing? Healing from what I have not the foggiest notion. After ten months there has not been one iota of evidence of anything requiring healing – all have made clear that the alleged victims of Cornwall will retain their alleged status for life, ditto the alleged paedohiles, and Justice Glaude recently made it clear that he has dismissed the “rumour” and “innuendo” swirling around Cornwall upon his arrival as false.
But …. Huggy-bear-kissy-face is just around the corner, and the salvational wheels are already grinding into action to commence the much hailed ‘healing work,’ “meetings,” and ‘talk about healing.’ Heaven help us.
What about truth? What about the children?
What a mess!
I’ll be back later to blog on the Thursday 15 June arguments by Cornwall Police Service and the diocese re disclosure of which they deem fall under solicitor/client privilege.
Enough for now,