So much for transparency in this “indpependent and impartial” which promised to leave no stone unturned.
Justice Glaude all too readily agreed to comply with David W. Scott’s motion on behalf of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall to (1) remove the names of four as yet un-identified priests from affidavits which have been posted on the website since last November, and (2) slap a publication ban on the names of four as yet unidentified priests.
This sort of legal intervention on behalf of alleged paedophiles has become routine procedure in Cornwall. The alleged paeophiles have invariably had “the system” on side through the gagging of alleged victims, silencing and vilification of those who speak out, and circling the wagons to protect alleged paedophiles.
Nothing has changed.
What is surprising however is that in this instance every single lawyer in the Weave Shed consented to this action. The one and only voice of dissent came from Terri Saunders, reporter for the Cornwall Standard Freeholder. Saunder’s words went in one Glaide ear and out the other. He had clearly made up his mind. No waiting for days and weeks on end to get the ruling on this motion: it was instant – a fait accompli.
Makes you wonder doesn’t it who has whose best interests at heart in the Weave Shed?
Mr. Cipriano meanwhile is still waiting for a ruling on his very similar motion regarding allegations against Father MacDonald which are posted in affidavits and, according to Cipriano, have not been proven in court. However, when Cipriano tried to point that out Glaude snapped at him. He truly snapped at him. So, for whatever the reason Cipriano and his client, Father Charles MacDonald are not in favour with Glaude and will therefore have to continue biding their time waiting for THE ruling on their motion, – and David W.Scott sashays in out of nowhere, has a little séance with Bennett and Manson, and lo and behold – with the assent of all present an instantaneous publication ban is slapped on the names of four priests whom no-one wants to name.
As I say, it truly makes you wonder who has whose best interests at heart in the Weave Shed.
I would guess the Coalition for Action would have fought the ban and the redaction tooth and nail. But, Glaude rejected the Coalition’s application for standing and funding.
Incidentally, the publication ban on the naming of these unidentified priests is presumably “temporary.” How temporary temporary is remains to be seen.
Enough for now,
The Cornwall cover up continues. The allegations are not proven in court and with courts like this they never will be. Long live the Google Cache!! They are closing the door after the horse is out of the barn.
You ask what is the meaning of temporary. Temporary can be a long time but it is not the same as eternity. In eternity everything that is hidden will be shouted from the housetops. I wonder do these priests in Cornwall believe or understand this. The Cornwall cover up is temporary!
Well said, and so very true. But so terribly hard to accept 🙁