It just gets crazier and crazier at the Weave Shed

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Interesting developments at the Weave Shed.

As I write David W. Scott, Mr. Bennett (Men’s Project) and Mr. Manson (Citizens for Renewal) are hammering out an agreement on a publication ban on names which would prove satisfactory to the diocese.  Both Manson and Bennett seem to be on board with the diocese on this one.  We will see what transpires at 3 when they are due to report back.

And yes, that IS David W Scott, the lawyer who represented Prime Minister Chretien at the Gomery inquiry.  Is seems that David Sheriff-Scott who launched this motion is unavailable today.

Other business taken care of was that of Mr. Cipriano (Father MacDonald’s lawyer) who wants to appeal Justice Glaude’s motion that victims can testify – but it seems Father MacDonald needs the funding to file the appeal.  Acording to Cipriano the decision to appeal was made believing that funding would be available.  Now that Cipriano has been advised that is not necessarily the case he has applied to argue a motion to receive funding to enable him to file his appeal!  The motion for funding will be argued 6 June 06.

It just gets crazier and crazier at the Weave Shed.

Enough for now,



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