Search engine added to

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Yes, I have added a search engine to  It searches the site only. And, it works 🙂

Just enter your search terms and away you go.  It’s a freebie which means there is some advertising, but the ads seem to be quite unobtrusive and in good taste so it should do the job for now.  There are a few minor drawbacks, the biggest being that the freebie version doesn’t search pdf files (those are the ones you have to open with Adobe Reader).  Upgrading from free to paid is expensive     🙁  so for now will stick with this.

I would suggest that you put search phrases in quotes – your results will be more accurate.  But, experiment a little.

Right now I have installed the search bar on the “home” page only.  I will probably add one to each of the major pages – that should make browsing the site easier and more time effective.

Enjoy.  We need a few small pleasures as we wallow in the mire 🙂.


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