Christian Today
24 May 2017 | 2:01 PM
The Vatican’s Father Dante Simon.YouTube
Some children who have accused priests of child sex abuse are no more than ‘spiteful’ boys who fell in love with priests and were rejected, according to a Vatican envoy.
The Buenos Aires Herald reports that Father Dante Simon, one of two envoys sent to investigate an alleged cover-up at the Antonio Próvolo Institute for deaf children in Mendoza province, said some cases had been dismissed because the accusers were ‘spiteful’.
More than 60 former students have made allegations of sexual abuse at the institute.
Simon told the Herald’s reporter Martín Tejerina. ‘A few have been dismissed. Because there are people who are spiteful. For example, a girl or a boy falls in love with a priest, and he doesn’t respond back. The boy can be very spiteful like a woman can. So, they denounce [the priest].”
The Herald reports that Simon’s attempts to meet with victims and family members of victims have been unsuccessful.
One of the victims is reported to have tried to commit suicide after she learned that the envoys were being sent.
According to a lawyer for the victims, Simon’s statements caused an emotional crisis because of the implication that some abuse might not have taken place.
The priests named as involved in the scandal include Nicola Corradi and Horacio Corbacho. An altar boy, Jorge Bordón, has also been named along with two administrative employees, José Luis Ojeda and Armando Gómez.
A nun also became involved when it was claimed she forced a girl aged five to wear a nappy in class to hide the bleeding after she was sexually assaulted by a priest.
One of the alleged victims told Associated Press that she witnessed a girl being raped by one priest while another forced her to give him oral sex.
Vatican envoy sent to probe paedophilia cover-up criticises ‘spiteful’ children
Beunos Aires
19 May 2017

In an interview addressing scandal in Mendoza, Father Dante Simón talks of kids who ‘fall in love with a priest’ and are rejected
A Vatican envoy sent to investigate a shocking paedophilia cover-up at the Antonio Próvolo Institute for deaf children in Mendoza province — where priests and employees have been accused of the systematic sexual abuse of minors over decades — has sparked outrage after describing some of the children who laid claims as “spiteful.”
Father Dante Simón, one of the two envoys sent by the Vatican to probe the scandal, suggested that some accusations have been dismissed because they were invented by “spiteful” boys who had fallen in love with priests and were rejected. Despite the fact that more than 60 former students have come forward with allegations involving sexual abuse at the institute, Simón chose to highlight “dismissed” cases.
“A few (cases) have been dismissed,” the priest told the Mendoza Post. “Because there are people who are spiteful. For example, a girl or a boy falls in love with a priest, and he doesn’t respond back. The boy can be very spiteful like a woman can. So, they denounce him (the priest),” Simón told reporter Martín Tejerina.
The envoy has spent the past few weeks in Mendoza to investigate the incidents that occurred in the Antonio Próvolo Institute in Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza. Simón was accompanied by Juan Martínez to lead an investigatory commission.
The envoy tried to arrange a meeting with both the victims and family members who have accused the priests and employees at the institute of abuse, but the envoy’s requests were rejected unanimously. One of the victims is reported to have tried to commit suicide after she learned that the Vatican envoy had travelled to Mendoza to investigate the case. According to a lawyer for the victims, Sergio Salinas, Simón’s statements had caused an emotional crisis after the envoy had implied some of the abuses may not have taken place.
More than 60 former students have come forward, saying they were sexually abused at the hands of priests Nicola Corradi and Horacio Corbacho, altar boy Jorge Bordón, and two administrative employees José Luis Ojeda and Armando Gómez. A nun, Kosaka Kumiko, was also recently implicated in the scandal. According to news reports, when a five-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by a priest, Kumiko allegedly forced her to wear a diaper in class, to conceal the bleeding. Other victims have accused the nun of actively participating in the abuse. Corradi has a history of sex abuse allegations that date back long before Mendoza. Italian judicial authorities had been seeking to prosecute him for a series of sex abuse cases in Verona, Italy, that occurred decades ago.
The priests stand accused of raping, sexually abusing and fondling the students in bathrooms, dormitories, garden and basement at the school. One of the alleged victims told the Associated Press that she witnessed how a girl was raped by one priest while the other one forced her to give him oral sex.
The victims have also requested that Bishop Sergio Buenanueva give testimony about the case. The bishop said in a recent interview with Telam that “one of the greatest errors” of the Argentine Church was to protect priests that are abusers.
Rights groups criticise declassiciation attempt
The Episcopal Conference has published a long-awaited protocol allowing victims of the last military dictatorship (1976-1983) or their family members to access archives pertaining to that dark period. The announcement comes seven months after the Argentine Synod (CEA) and the Vatican published a joint press release stating that they had “finished the cataloging and digitalisation of the archive material.”
Access to the Catholic Church’s documents is highly restrictive. Only victims, family members of detained and forced-disappeared victims, and bishops can request information. The only archives they can request, however, are those in which the name of the victim sought after is mentioned. Those interested have to complete and submit a request to the Secretary General of the Argentine Synod (CEA), which has the authority to reject the request outright.
Many human rights groups weren’t happy with the new protocol. Though the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, for example, praised the CEA’s gesture, they criticised the rules for being extremely restrictive. “Through this method, they will give bits of information to each family… with a filter from the CEA beforehand, which means they also won’t give information linked to the global intervention by the Catholic Church’s embers to the last military dictatorship,” said the organisation.
— Herald staff
Read it and weep.
Who, I wonder, chose the likes of this to investigate child sexual abuse?
What a sick sick mind.
Its a sick epidemic and only the tip of the iceberg. Why does the church allow this to continue. A long history of cover ups and then someone like this makes a comment like this. Who the hell do these people think they are. Perpetrators should be castrated and then perhaps the problem would be solved.
I totally agree with “no patience” this is just the tip of the iceberg… all the Central American and small countries where these wolves were sent, are all becoming connected through the internet and the globalized community, they are finding those priests who molested them and they are pushing forward to charge them criminally. The Catholic Church will fall on this issue I have no doubt of that.
Father Dante Simon is a sad, disordered man who should not be a priest, let alone be placed in the Vatican.
His pathetic attempt at re-victimizing victims is proof beyond any doubt that he is unfit to be a priest. Further to this, who is really being “spiteful” here?
Think about it please. Mike.
He appears to be totally irrational, illogical,and idiotic.
The terrorist attack in Manchester against innocent children is very depraved by sick warped minds however terrorists are fuelled by injustices in the world and when sick puppies known as priests have molested countless children and it’s been covered up slap on wrists given to these depraved priests they are no better than the suicide bomber in Manchester. These priests killed children who committed suicide or took up a life of crime and drugs which destroyed their adult lives. So for those whose mouths drop at this comment.. think about it as it’s so true. When ex priests like father ron kelly are pardoned for their crimes because they became fraudster businessmen we have depraved indviduals pardoning them who are part of the problem why people become radicalized. Injustice and corruption breed terrorism in many different ways and not just by bombs or beheadings. Organized crime is terrorism too.
Perhaps these priests should receive the same punishment as the layman convicted of such crimes. Court, sentencing and a visit to prison mixed in with the general population, getting beat and raped like other peodophiles in the system. An eye for an eye and all that goes with it might just be the answer to making these monsters think before they decide to prey on innocent children. No mercy. Think about it. The church has enabled these priests to continue their behaviour. They have allowed them to do it, and then protected them when caught and placed them into a position to start over again. Perhaps the church’s senior management, bishops and higher ups are the real criminals and need to be brought to justice as well.
Father Dante Simon is described as a Vatican Envoy? Someone needs to get in there and shut him up.. he should be ashamed of himself for spouting such rubbish.
This father whoever he calls himself does not have gods blessing you can be sure of that. In fact God is looking down with disgust on this fraudulent church.
What is disgusting is that these molesting priests get 18 months in rehab as a sentence but what these judges fail to take into consideration is that these priests continued their roles as priest teaching etc. while abusing . So how sick were they really. They could go after their sexual gratification quite easy and they knew right from wrong. That’s why they got moved elsewhere if exposed in one place. So this lame excuse they were sick and needed rehab. BALONEY. THEY WERE PEDOPHILE PRIESTS thinking only of their sexual enjoyment and did not care that these were kids. Shame on judges with ridiculous sentences. Prison life not rehab would stop these priests from reoffending and it would send a clear message for the future what will happen if you ever touch a child. These priests preyed on children to fulfill their needs and figured they would get away with it. They did for many many years.
I would really like to meet this creature in person. I have some honest things to say. Mike.