News10 abc
9:22 AM, Mar 12, 2013

Rev. Julio Guarin-Sosa arrested on charges of molestation of a minor, sexual battery and illegal entry in Yuba City.
YUBA CITY, CA – A visiting priest arrested on accusations he behaved in a sexually inappropriate manner with a 16-year-old-girl admits he kissed her near her mouth but did not French-kiss her as sheriff’s investigators claim.
Father Julio Guarin-Sosa of Columbia talked at Sutter County Jail where he is being held on no bail. He was arrested Sunday on booking charges of molestation of a minor, sexual battery and illegal entry.
The allegations stem from an incident at a private home in Yuba City on Saturday where the priest had been called to perform a private mass.
Guarin-Sosa said he was asked by the family to speak to one of children privately. He and the girl went into a bedroom where they sat on a bed and held hands in prayer, he said. After talking for about 15 minutes, Guarin-Sosa claimed they stood up, he hugged her and kissed her on the side of her cheek near her mouth.
“I never tried to do nothing sexual with her,” Guarin-Sosa said.
He said the girl looked uncomfortable so he asked her not to say anything to her parents.
The priest had been brought to Yuba City from Lodi where he serves at St. Anne’s Church. The Diocese of Stockton has suspended Guarin-Sosa from serving in their ministry.
Diocese Bishop Stephen E. Blaire said the Guarin-Sosa had received a letter of good standing from his diocese in Columbia prior to coming to St. Anne’s. The diocese in Colombia has been informed of the accusatins, according to Blaire.
Guarin-Sosa’s arraignment was set for Tuesday at 3 p.m. in Sutter County Superior Court.