Sacrificial Wino Father Ignatius Kury Offers Incoherent Insights About Bush, Palin, Libya. It’s A Little Like Watching Chris Matthews

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March 2011

With an impressive blood-alcohol reading of three times the legal driving limit, the spiritual leader of the Holy Ghost Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church in Akron, Ohio, crashed his car in nearby Brimfield Township.

Police arrived to find the good shepherd crashed out in the back seat.

This wouldn’t be particularly unusual, except Father Ignatius got much weirder when he got to jail. He wasn’t fond of confinement. Nor was he happy about being handcuffed to a cell wall. So when a guard walked past, the father decided to expose himself in a combination of protest and sexual overture.

A videotape shows him alternating between singing the National Anthem, whining about his handcuffs, and asking for America’s love. But since it was late at night and most of America was asleep, he appeared willing to settle for some guard love. 

At one point he said, “I’ll give you a sermon on the mount.”

He also wanted to know the price for his freedom. “I’ll pay you whatever you want. What do you want? Want me to give you a blow job? Is that what you want ? Do
you want me to be a sexual slave?”

Click here for external link to video of Father Ignatius screaming and yelling obsceneties and filth in his cell.

2 Responses to Sacrificial Wino Father Ignatius Kury Offers Incoherent Insights About Bush, Palin, Libya. It’s A Little Like Watching Chris Matthews

  1. Sylvia says:

    Does Father Ignatius have other problems?

    Before answering, be sure to watch the jailhouse rant:

    I tried without success to find a followup on this. What happened to “Father Ignatius” after he was released and sober? Does anyone know?

  2. Sylvia says:

    I just watched it right through. Set aside the fact that he’s a priest – and that’s not hard to do! – and plug your ears on the cussing, and it’s almost funny. He even shed a few tears in there. He was waiting for Daddy to come and bail him out!

    I wonder what Father Ignatious thought when he first laid eyes on this 🙂

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