“British priest arrested in Tenerife for sexual abuse of altar boys” & related articles

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By on August 24, 2013

British priest arrested in Tenerife for sexual abuse of altar boys

Spanish Courts are processing the extradition of an 85-year-old priest, Francis Paul Cullen, who was detained in Tenerife under the terms of a European Arrest Warrent requested by Leicestershire.

The priest originally from Dublin, but with British nationality, is accused of 16 charges of sexual abuse, one of sodomy, and another ten serious offences against altar boys in a parish church in southern Derbyshire, over nearly 40 years.

The first of these, 58 years ago when the priest was aged 27 involved a child of seven who suffered indecent contact on around 10 or 12 occasions, up to the age of 14.

But the priest told police this was merely “teaching sexual practices” for later in life.

According to the British courts, the second was an eight-year-old who became an altar boy in 1963 and suffered abuse until he was 16, including attempts at penetration.

Police say the third victim, who was 12 years old in 1991 when he became an altar boy, was looked after by the priest for two weeks in the holidays.

The accused, taking advantage of the boy’s parents’ trust in him, abused him repeatedly both at home and in the altar boy changing rooms in the church.

Following an international arrest order applied for by Leicester court in the UK, the vicar was finally detained in Arona, Tenerife.

He has already been flown to Madrid and has been quizzed by high-profile Spanish judge, Eloy Velasco.

He is expected to be back in the UK in the next few days to face judicial proceedings.


Irish priest arrested in Tenerife over claims he abused boys in Britain over a 36-year period


Auto-Summary17:  28 GMT, 24 August 2013 . 17:25 GMT, 24 August 2013 . Mr Cullen is alleged to have abused . An 85-year-old Irish Roman Catholic priest suspected of sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period has been arrested in Tenerife. Held: Irish Roman Catholic priest Francis Paul Cullen, 85, has been arrested in Tenerife for allegedly sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period .

By Anthony Bond

PUBLISHED: 17:25 GMT, 24 August 2013 | UPDATED: 17:28 GMT, 24 August 2013

Held: Irish Roman Catholic priest Francis Paul Cullen, 85, has been arrested in Tenerife for allegedly sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period

An 85-year-old Irish Roman Catholic priest suspected of sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period has been arrested in Tenerife.

Francis Paul Cullen, originally from Dublin but with British nationality, was arrested in the town of Arona on the popular Canary Island.

He was detained on a European arrest warrant issued by Britain and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid.

As reported by thinkspain.com, is wanted in the  UK for indecent assaults in a parish in southern Derbyshire between 1955 and 1991.

It is claimed the abuses took place in religious centres and churches.

The first alleged incident of abuse took place 58 years ago when Cullen was 27.  It is alleged a seven-year-old was abused on 10 or 12 occasions until the age of 14.

According to thinkspain.com, the priest allegedly  told police this was ‘teaching sexual practices’ for later life.

It is alleged that the second victim was an eight-year-old altar boy who was abused until the age of 16.

The third alleged victim was a 12 year old altar boy who was looked after by the priest for two weeks in 1991.

Mr Cullen is alleged to have abused him repeatedly at home and in changing rooms in a church.

Police said the altar boys were aged 7, 8 and 12 when they were first abused.

Arrested: Cullen was detained in Arona, pictured, on a European arrest warrant and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid

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Irish priest arrested in Tenerife over claims he abused boys in Britain over a 36-year period

The Daily Mail online


By Anthony Bond

  • Francis Paul Cullen was arrested in the town of Arona
  • He is wanted for alleged indecent assaults in southern Derbyshire
  • Altar boys aged 7, 8 and 12 when first allegedly abused
  • It is claimed abuse took place between 1955 and 1991
Held: Irish Roman Catholic priest Francis Paul Cullen, 85, has been arrested in Tenerife for allegedly sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period

Held: Irish Roman Catholic priest Francis Paul Cullen, 85, has been arrested in Tenerife for allegedly sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period

An 85-year-old Irish Roman Catholic priest suspected of sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over a 36-year period has been arrested in Tenerife.

Francis Paul Cullen, originally from Dublin but with British nationality, was arrested in the town of Arona on the popular Canary Island.

He was detained on a European arrest warrant issued by Britain and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid.

As reported by thinkspain.com, is wanted in the UK for indecent assaults in a parish in southern Derbyshire between 1955 and 1991.

It is claimed the abuses took place in religious centres and churches.

The first alleged incident of abuse took place 58 years ago when Cullen was 27. It is alleged a seven-year-old was abused on 10 or 12 occasions until the age of 14.

According to thinkspain.com, the priest allegedly told police this was ‘teaching sexual practices’ for later life.

It is alleged that the second victim was an eight-year-old altar boy who was abused until the age of 16.

The third alleged victim was a 12 year old altar boy who was looked after by the priest for two weeks in 1991.

Mr Cullen is alleged to have abused him repeatedly at home and in changing rooms in a church.

Police said the altar boys were aged 7, 8 and 12 when they were first abused.


Arrested: Francis Paul Cullen was detained in Arona, pictured, on a European arrest warrant and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid

Arrested: Cullen was detained in Arona, pictured, on a European arrest warrant and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid


Spain police arrest Irish priest for child abuse

KENS5.com (San Antonio)

Posted on August 24, 2013 at 5:01 AM

Updated today at 6:04 AM

MADRID (AP) — Spanish police have arrested an 85-year-old Irish Roman Catholic priest suspected of sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over many years.

A National Police spokeswoman said Saturday that Francis Paul Cullen, a native of Dublin, was arrested in the town of Arona on the Canary Island of Tenerife.

He was detained on a European arrest warrant issued by Britain and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid.

A police statement said the abuses occurred in religious centers and churches in Britain between 1955 and 1991. The locations were not disclosed.

Police said the altar boys were aged 7, 8 and 12 years when they were first abused.

The officer spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with police regulations.


Police arrest Irish priest suspected of child abuse in Canary Islands

CTV News

Published Saturday, August 24, 2013 12:34PM EDT

Ciaran Giles, The Associated Press

Irish priest arrested in Canary Islands

In this Google map, the town of Arona in the Canary Islands is marked by a red point. Spanish police arrested an 85-year-old Irish priest suspected of child abuse in Arona on Aug. 24, 2013.

MADRID, Spain — Spanish police have arrested an 85-year-old Irish Roman Catholic priest suspected of sexually abusing three altar boys in Britain over many years.

A National Police spokeswoman said Saturday that Francis Paul Cullen, a native of Dublin, was arrested in the town of Arona on the Canary Island of Tenerife.

He was detained on a European arrest warrant issued by Britain and will be taken to the National Court in Madrid.

A police statement said the abuses occurred in religious centres and churches in Britain between 1955 and 1991. The locations were not disclosed.

Police said the altar boys were aged 7, 8 and 12 years when they were first abused.

The officer spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with police regulations.

19 Responses to “British priest arrested in Tenerife for sexual abuse of altar boys” & related articles

  1. Tanya says:

    Cullen is not listed as a cleric in the diocese he is alleged to have committed these crimes. The Diocese of Nottingham, England. It would seem that from the latest news reports they have acknowledged their relationship to him;


    Interesting statement from diocesan spokesperson, Cole. I wonder if the diocese of Nottingham where Cullen resided is as keen to acknowledge its own role in this matter. Cullen served from 1955 under various bishops in that diocese; I suspect the diocesan personnel file on Cullen bulges with complaint and allegation and the subsequent denials.

    Cullen is to be extradited to England. There are probably many more victims awaiting their moment of justice in relation to Cullen. It will be interesting to watch as the process of unraveling Cullen’s ecclesial career implicates the diocese. The fact that it no longer lists him as a serving cleric raises all manner of questions. When was he removed, under what circumstances and what support did they provide in those years.

    I believe he spent many years living on the Canary Islands. I wonder what he was doing there and whether he functioned as a cleric there? If so then a wider investigation is in order.

    Of course the Nottingham diocese is the home of former SSPX and Society of St. John cleric Dominic O’Connor. Clearly the diocese had no problem recycling this character.

    Are there others?

  2. geraldine paget says:

    Can,t believe fr cullan could do something like that he was so kind to me when I was at junor school. I used to suffer with epilepsy. And when I was sick he used to look after me.

    • PJ says:

      Here we go again…yes, he may have been real nice to you, but he was likely a monster to some little boys…and you being a little girl would not have been attractive to him. So please go through this website and read what these pervert collars have done to their victims…then consider the idea that these collars would befriend everyone in search of prey knowing their holiness and kindness would bluff the majority into believing that they could never do such an awful thing.

    • Sylvia says:

      A thief doesn’t rob every house in the block.

  3. Sean Doherty says:

    Father Cullen abused my brother when he was an olter boy in the late 70s at Christ the king church mackworth derby. My brother once told the head mistress of st Mary’s school, sister ansiater. She called father Cullen who came to the school and gave my brother the cane. He was in agony for days it was so bad. My brother sufferd depression all his life and died in 2003. I can’t help thinking if it had never happend he would still be here. Just wish he could see him brought to justice for himself.

    • Alison lynch says:

      I also went to Christ the King school and church in the 70’s along with my brother and onto st mary’s after, It makes me feel sick to the stomach to hear of your brothers suffering and to think of the other boy’s he has abused. He was such a charismatic character who charmed and gained the trust of parents , he was always visiting me and my family and wanted my brother to be an altar boy but luckily my mum didn’t want him to be and so that was the end of that . I am glad fr Cullen is still alive so hopefully he has to face the consequences of his of his actions and feel the shame as people turn away from him in disgust. sorry for the loss of your brother.

  4. Tanya says:

    Sean; Thank you for your post.

    I offer you my condolences on the loss of your brother and the years of suffering he endured.

    I strongly urge you to contact the police in Derby, England. It is quite likely that Cullen not only harmed your brother but others there too all courtesy of the nun who acted as school principal. She may and most likely will be interviewed regarding her role in these abuses. Other victims too will step forward and their testament of suffering recorded.

    I have always maintained that Cullen’s clerical career needs close scrutiny and examination. Tragic incidents as you describe are I believe only a part of a decades long pattern of abuse. The diocesan personnel files need to be surrendered to the local constabulary, if they have not done so already, so as to ascertain in full what complaints, allegations and statements concerning Cullen have been made. Only then a fuller investigation can be made and victims such as your brother can step out of the shadows and have their voice finally heard.

    The diocese of Nottingham is crucial in this story of misery. Clerics like Cullen could never have been permitted to engage in a decades long reign of terror without their collusion and facilitation. The Roman Church in England and Wales has fought a long and bitter rearguard battle against the victims through court after court. In one of their last legal actions the Roman Church in England and Wales sought to have a ruling declaring themselves not legally responsible for the crimes of their clergy. Thereby evading and dodging their commitments to the many victims both in justice and in financial compensation.

    It is money that drives these defiant and aggressive actions against the victims. As Archbishop Conti once said when Bishop of Aberdeen and treating with horrific cases of abuse in that diocese- they(the victims of clerical and religious abuse) are only after the money. It made laugh when I read about his statements regarding O’Brien blocking an inquiry into the issue of sex abuse of children in the Scottish Roman Church. Conti is above all a consummate ecclesiastical politician and if he is hanging O’Brien out to dry then he is doing so to save his own neck from some upcoming scandal. Fort Augustus Abbey is in the diocese he ran for 24 years. A lot there I think….

    • Sean Doherty says:

      Thank you I think I will do. My brother felt so much shame he didn’t want to bring it up with the police he thaught he was the only one it happend to, I remember when father Cullen came round our house to do a house mass Steven said he told him, can you see the cross on the church, I can see you all the time and if you tell anyone your family will die and go to hell. Just don’t know what to do because he’s dead now and it’s only our family’s word, still can’t beleave how many other people it happend to.

      • Sylvia says:

        I’m not familiar with the legal process in England Sean, but I think that if you contact they police they may consider what you and/or other family members have to say as corroborating evidence for the charges which have been laid. Get in touch with police.

        My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will pray for the repose of Sean’s dear soul. May he rest in peace.

  5. PJ says:

    Well Geraldine Paget…what do you think of your beloved bastard collar now? It’s amazing to me that some victim of horrendous abuse hasn’t decided to take matters into their own hands and to hell with the consequences. Just shows how much better we are than the cowardly pervert collars who hide and deny. May they burn in hell.

  6. JG says:

    Sean Doherty,
    Thank You for posting…
    Isn’t it an awful feeling to know what you know and to feel like there is nothing you can do! Just like standing on the waters edge and helpless at helping a drowning “brother”…
    2003 since your brother passed and it sure feels very present in your words. I understand the feeling of helplessness and lack of closure…wondering what if anything you could have done! The “survivor’s” guilt!…I go through that every day and everyday I tell myself “that’s it”!…It is all behind, turn the page! Then I find myself “just checking” in on this site. I hold on not for a brother but for my Father who never got the simple apology he deserved…
    Go to the Police if only to alert and “testify” on your brother’s behalf…and let the chips fall where they may! Just make some noise and someone will hear eventually. I believe the “Court of Justice” is evolving rapidly with our new ways of communicating.
    I couldn’t get a simple apology for my Father but he is now on “Youtube”, for the past three months, repeating a bit of his story for all to hear. I draw some satisfaction to know the church and the manipulators were not able to silence him…
    Maybe someone will be inspired by a 95 year old finally speaking out against the effects of abuse…
    Sean, speak-up for your Brother!…both of you may just save “one child”! Wouldn’t it well be worth the gamble?…
    It all starts with just “one child”…
    Yours and your Brother’s story left an imprint for many to see. You could send his photo to Sylvia, for posting under “the children”, that he may live in the hearts of many who visit.
    I wish you and others an “Isle” of serenity to fight this evil legacy…
    There is no shame for the victims and their families! None!
    An ocean away,

  7. Sylvia says:

    For you Sean, and for those who may have missed it before, here is a link to the video JG mentions

    Scroll down the page – there is an English translation. JG is a man who has been tireless in speaking up for his father, and for all other victims of clerical sexual abuse. You are now doing the same for Sean.

    And, yes, as JG suggests, you might consider sending a picture of Sean, perhaps taken around the age he was molested by Father Cullen, to be added to “The Children.” Send the picture along with his name, his age, and his date of death to me at: cornwall@theinquiry.ca

  8. Bt says:

    Father Cullen attempted to abuse me at school in Buxton I reported this to the headmaster a d sister Angela .i was caned for causing trouble and was not believed .

    • Sylvia says:

      Get in touch with police Bt. I am sure that your allegations will be helpful to them, and at the same time you can start to unload the heavy burden you have been carrying for all of these years.

      My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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