The Telegraph (Belfast)
Last updated: August 23rd, 2011

News of the World journalists who invaded celebrities’ privacy by hacking into their idle phone chatter have got nothing on Irish politicians. The Irish state is hell bent on hacking into the most intimate conversation of all: that between a man and his God. A new law could force priests in Ireland to break the confessional seal if their penitent mentions anything to do with child sex abuse. In such circumstances, if Irish prime minister Enda Kenny gets his way, it will be a criminal offence for the priest to keep schtum about what he has heard. This would rip apart the Vatican’s Canon Law, which stipulates: “The sacramental seal is inviolable; thus it is absolutely illegitimate for the confessor to the make the penitent known, even only in part, using words or any other means, and for any reason.”
Now, as it happens, I am not the confessing type. As a severely lapsed Catholic and now immoveable atheist, I haven’t been inside a confessional since I was 17 years old. And I don’t miss telling some bloke behind a grille about the time I nicked a Kit-Kat or got matey with Onan. But there are millions upon millions of people for whom confession is a central part of their faith, and for whom absolute privacy is a central part of confession. They believe, and should have every right to believe, that the confessional facilitates communication with God, providing a tiny, darkened space, utterly cut off from the world, where they can offload their various horrors and heartbreaks in private. For the state to invade this space, to colonise it on the basis that it is a sinister place where lurid stories about paedophilia might be swapped between a pervert and his priest, is an attack on freedom of religion.
Some will point out that the new Irish law will only require priests to blab on their penitents if they confess to having committed, or knowing something about, child sexual abuse. But the problem is that in chipping away at the very idea of the inviolable sacramental seal, politicians are potentially flinging the whole world of confessing open to all sorts of state interference. What about other criminal offences? GBH? Robbery? Flashing? Should priests also have a duty to dob in their penitents if they confess to partaking in those immoral and illegal acts? As the Irish Times joked, how about getting ordained coppers to hear people’s sins, so that they can “judge at once if they merit a decade of the rosary or a decade in Portlaoise [Prison]”? Also, it just isn’t true that Catholic priests sit back and listen as penitents wax lyrical about their criminal antics. Often, a priest will tell those who confess to criminal activity that absolution depends upon them handing themselves over to the secular authorities. Priests don’t simply hear penitents talk about child sexual abuse and then tell them: “Say 10 Our Fathers.”
More to the point, it seems pretty clear that the spectre of child abuse, which is of course despised by everyone, is being used as a battering ram against the privacy of the confessional in general. In Australia, inspired by the Irish example, a politician suspicious of the Catholic confessional has called for all kinds of confessions to be susceptible to state prying. In parts of Britain in recent years, on the back of the Catholic Church’s various paedophile scandals, some churches now have transparent confessionals, where both the penitent and the priest can be seen by all, through panes of glass. The aim is let everyone know that the priest is not fiddling with his flock, but of course it also means that the privacy of the confessional, the right to have a space where you can commune with God, is being severely undermined.
We already live in a world where CCTV cameras film our every move and where politicians constantly call for greater and earlier intervention into family life. Every private institution is being invaded by a paranoid, jealous state. Now, one of the few remaining dark spaces where men and women – at least of the Catholic variety – are free to speak from the hearts is having its doors rattled by the nosey elite. It is further proof that privacy counts for nothing today, and that freedom of religion doesn’t count for much either.
…God works in mysterious ways!!! Maybe he never got his percentage, his due out of that box…maybe his servants were pocketing the “profits” for their own edification and their own power??…Maybe he decided it was time to trust the many, the meek, to decide instead of the few and trusted who cheated and twisted!!..and his interventions will be handed out in a bigger ‘confession box” before everyone to see and hear:maybe it is called a “court room” from now on. Maybe a Heavenly merger and ” Benny ” was/is nothing more than a “Madoff” for our souls! …and Vatican canon law is nothing but a control scheme for the “rich, religious and ambitious”. Maybe this is just the peeling back of another layer…
Maybe “transparency” is the ultimate solution. Why did they have to put it in a box to start with?…anyone with the true history of that ritual???…I’m curious. Not about Jesus , the apostles, forgiveness of sins…the box itself! So much of that is of human fabrication but given a Superior stamp of approval.
…”seek and ye shall find”…
Don’t want more state intervention, just more of the truth from the self proclaimed “men of God”. We wouldn’t be questioning everything they do , if they did.
I am not an atheist, never was , never will be and the best we can do is to “question” no matter how difficult or controversial…It is a duty.
The catholic church is responsible for taking us “here” …and “it” is broken, maybe?
The certainty is that “they” are back on the ground with the rest of us .