Former priest accused of 55 indecent assault charges

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The Irish Examiner

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 – 06:19 PM

A former priest in his 70s has appeared in court today charged with indecently assaulting children between the late 1960s and early 1980s.

Dublin District Court heard that he was arrested today at Dublin Airport. He replied “No” when the 55 charges were put to him.

The DPP has directed that he be tried on indictment and he has been remanded in custody to appear at Cloverhill District Court next Wednesday.

The judge, President Miriam Malone, made an order preventing his identification in the media.

The alleged abuse happened at various locations around the country.


Ex-priest faces trial for indecent assault

19 January 2012

A former priest is to stand trial on 55 counts of indecent assault of 18 children at various locations in the State from the late 1960s until the early 1980s.

The defendant, in his seventies, was brought before Dublin District Court yesterday. He was arrested yesterday afternoon at Dublin Airport, the court heard. He was cautioned and said “No” in reply, when he was held on 55 warrants. Judge Miriam Malone remanded him in custody to appear again at Cloverhill District Court on January 25th, pending the preparation of a book of evidence.

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