Former Irish priest to be extradited from the UK to face sexual charges

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Carney arrested under European Arrest Warrant

The Irish Times

Sat, May 4, 2013, 06:00

A former Catholic priest who was described as “a serial abuser of children” by an investigation into clerical child abuse in the Archdiocese of Dublin, is to be extradited from Britain to Ireland to face charges of indecently assaulting children.

Mr Bill Carney, aged 73, was arrested in Warwickshire last week under a European arrest warrant. It was issued by the Irish authorities on foot of complaints made by eight men and two women about abuse they allegedly suffered as children at his hands between 1977 and 1989.

Ordained in 1974, he served in a number of Dublin parishes, including Ayrfield, until 1989. He was suspended from, or restricted in, his ministry for some of that time on foot of allegations made, and he was dismissed from the clerical state in 1992.

Mr Carney, who has been held in custody since his arrest on 34 indecent assault charges, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London yesterday before District Justice Nicholas Evans, who ordered his extradition to Ireland by May 20th.

One Response to Former Irish priest to be extradited from the UK to face sexual charges

  1. Sylvia says:

    It’s all over for Bill Carney. There’s no one to pull strings for him now. Ny 20 May he’ll be back in Ireland to face his accusers.

    I hope Mrs Dwyer is there to ask the question on behalf of her son which he, Paul Dwyer, so deary wanted to put to Carney. In the event you missed the article, from the 30 April 2013 :

    “In 2004 one victim, Paul Dwyer, tried telling police about Carney. However, his first-hand account was not seen as enough evidence and the case was dropped. In the weeks following the case’s dismissal, Paul Dwyer tragically committed suicide. In an interview with the BBC, Dwyer’s mother explained that her son ‘wanted Carney in court so he could ask him why, why had Carney raped him? That never happened and the way things are going, the way the police and the clergy are handling it now I can’t see it ever happening.’”

    It’s happening Mrs. Dwyer. It’s finally happening.

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