Cloyne Diocese website: “Present status of clerics mentioned in the Cloyne Report”

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16 Jul 2011, Saturday

Present status of clerics mentioned in the Cloyne Report

Present status of clerics mentioned in the Cloyne report

The report as published refers to allegations, concerns or suspicions concerning 19 different clerics which were brought to the attention of the diocese between 1996 and 2009.

The terms of reference of the Commission extended to all complaints received by Church or civil authorities since 1996. These complaints received in that time frame referred to cases from the 1930s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s 1990s and 2000s.

Of the 19 clerics mentioned in the report, 2 are not priests of Cloyne diocese – 1 is a member of a religious order and 1 retired from Brisbane diocese – and 1 is unidentifiable. Of the complaints received against the remaining 16 clerics of the diocese, in 11 cases the complaints/concerns received met the criteria for credible allegations of sexual abuse. One of these priests was subsequently prosecuted and convicted of an offence in this regard.

In relation to the 11 priests whose cases met the criteria for credible allegations of sexual abuse,

  • 7 are now deceased
  • 1 has left the priesthood.
  • 3 are out of ministry

In relation to the other 5 cases

  • 3 cases contained no allegation of sexual abuse or of any offence being committed.
  • 2 priests of the diocese, one of whom is now deceased, were complained by the same individual. The report notes that the Gardaí could not find sufficient corroborating evidence for a prosecution and that the civil cases were later discontinued by the complainant. 

During the period over which the events complained of in the report occurred some 415 priests served in the diocese of Cloyne.

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2 Responses to Cloyne Diocese website: “Present status of clerics mentioned in the Cloyne Report”

  1. 1 abandoned sheep says:

    Sylvia, I know there are too many articlesto read them all. But, in one of the Cloyne stories it was noted that in Ireland, when they put a Priest out to pasture as they did in these case he went out on full Priest’s pay. In another case a Msgr. is quoted as saying {well, the poor lad still has to live[.
    Only the Shepherd seems to be worthy of compassion.

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