Inquirer News
11:22 pm | Wednesday, November 9th, 2011
The sexual abuse occurred in the town of Franca, located 400 kilometers (240 miles) from here in 2010, 2009 and 2001 as well as in a seminary in Capinopolis in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.
The priest denies the charges.
“Unfortunately, I can’t give details for legal reasons. But there was a sentence and we are appealing,” lawyer Eduardo Caleiro Palma told the daily Comercio de Franca Tuesday.
A spokesman for the Sao Paulo state court said he could not confirm the case as it was subject to legal professional privilege.
The priest has been relieved of his duties since the start of the investigation triggered by an anonymous denunciation in March last year.
The teenagers told police that the priest had invited them to his home supposedly to study the Bible but once there were forced to kiss and touch his genitals.
Now this is truly bizarre. A 60 year sentence for a 77 year-old molester. That’s good. I think the sentence is befitting the crime. He will die in jail. So be it. He now has ample opportunity to make amends with his God and pray for those he so cruelly abused.
BUT, what is with the secrecy?
Was the trial conducted in secrecy? No one knows anything about the offences committed by this priest?
“Unfortunately, I can’t give details for legal reasons…” said a lawyer.